- network structure of carbide [机] 碳化物之网状组织
- The results indicated that discontinuity of micro structure of work layer caused by in.homogeneous distribution of chemical composition, different pattern of carbide, mhomogeneity of hardness lead to large area of spalling and frther scrapping of roll. 结果表明,化学成分的不均匀分布,造成轧辊辊身工作层组织不连续、碳化拘形态各异使辊身工作层硬度不均匀,产生大面积剥落,最终导致轧辊报废。
- The second chapter illustrates the function,framework and network structure of CNAPS, providing theory premise for the security research. 第二部分对现代化支付系统的结构、功能及其网络结构进行了阐述,为支付系统的安全体系研究提供了理论前提。
- The percolating behaviors and electro-thermal characteristics were correlated with the specific network structure of the heating composite. 将材料的渗滤行为、发热特性以及特定的网状结构形态进行了关联。
- RE containing inoculant improved the morphorlogy of carbide in the structure of grinding balls and hence comprehensively increased both the toughness and wear resistance of the balls. 稀土孕育剂改善了低铬铸铁磨球中碳化物的形态分布,从而提高了磨球的韧性与抗磨性相匹配的综合指标。
- It introduces the principle and network structure of the system, and discusses how to realize interdomain multicast of the system. 介绍了系统组成原理及网络结构,着重对该系统如何实现域间组播进行分析讨论。
- The physical model structure of collaborative MES based on network is studied.Finally, we acquire the network structure of the collaborative MES. 研究了基于网络的协同MES系统的物理模型结结,最后,给出了协同MES系统的网络结构。
- This paper analyzes the network structure of the hybrid fiber coax,such as star form network,tree form network,star tree form network and annular network. 分析了混合光纤同轴网的几种组网方式 ,如星形网、树形网、星树形网和环形网。
- After describing the generated background of MSR briefly,the article plays an emphasis on analyzing the protocol frame of MSR and depicting the network structure of MSR. 在简述了该技术标准产生的背景后,重点分析MSR的协议框架、描绘MSR的网络架构。
- Calcium alginate gel has a complex network structure of macro molecules, water molecules and ions, and its moisture content is very high (abou t 3500%d.b.). 海藻酸钙胶囊是由大分子、水分子和离子组成的复杂网络结构,其水分含量很高(约3500%25,以干基计)。
- Brazing of carbide cutting tool. 钎焊硬质合金刀具。
- Through analyzing the features of data transmission in controlling boiler group,the network structure of optical fiber FRR industrial Ethernet is selected. 通过对锅炉群控制数据传输特点的分析,采用了光纤自愈工业以太网的网络结构。
- The network structure of Fault Infomation Management System (FIMS) is a new task in china, FIMS can supply the timely and exactitude infomation for dispatching department. 电网继电保护及故障信息系统网络组网在国内是新兴的课题,可以为调度部门及时、准确地提供电网故障情况和继电保护动作信息。
- Hence, this network structure of CLTS resisted the diffusion of salivary (x-amylase into the region and the binding to the starch chains and their orientation. 因此,这个网络结构CLTS抵制传播唾液(十-淀粉酶的地区和约束力的淀粉链和方向。
- The current application scope of MES is introduced.The main functions,information flow and network structure of MES is discussed in light of Masteel cold mill MES. 主要介绍了当前MES系统应用范围,并就MES在马钢冷轧厂的应用具体说明该系统的一些主要功能和硬件网络架构。
- The microscopic structure of tissue. 组织机构组织的微观结构
- The micro-morphology of CB and the network structure of the heating composite were characterized by transmission electron microscope and scanning elec... 将材料的渗滤行为、发热特性以及特定的网状结构形态进行了关联。
- We know a lot about the structure of genes now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- The structure of the sentence is strange. 这个句子的结构很奇怪。
- Influence of Chip-breaker Structure of Carbide Cutters on Chip 硬质合金刀具槽型结构对切屑的影响