- Under the mountain there is a network of caves. 这座山里有许多相通的洞穴。
- The growth rate of the sale of advertisement of network of growth rate far outclass of Chinese network discharge. 中国网络流量的增长速度远远高于网络广告销售额的增长速度。
- And thou shalt make for it a grate of network of brass; and upon the net shalt thou make four brasen rings in the four corners thereof. 要为坛作一个铜网,在网的四角上作四个铜环
- On December 28, copyright of network of Chinese Internet association is allied (ISCU) already enabled this standard format jointly in Beijing. 12月28日,中国互联网协会网络版权联盟(ISCU)已在北京联合启用该标准格式。
- The ornament such as feed of network of edge, delicate embroidery, printing decorates adscititious Lei Sihua, your underwear no longer empty and drab. 外加蕾丝花边、精致刺绣、印花网料等点缀装饰,令内衣不再空洞乏味。
- The company has a network of shops all over the country. 这家公司有着遍布全国的商店网。
- Form to family, community and loyalty of network of personal connections of family and keep one's word consciousness under edifying of Confucianism. 在中国正式制度和非正式制度的影响下,乡镇企业也就具有了明显的社区性。
- The fabrics are merchandised through a network of dealers. 通过经销网点销售纺织品。
- Direct seeding of network of careful of try out front courtyard, advance net of juridical copy clerk to go up public system. 试行庭审网络直播,推进裁判文书网上公开制度等。
- From this, the limited company of technology of network of Tianjin trade message inside Lin Zaiguo establishs arrowroot treasure very quickly. 由此,葛宝林在国内的天津商讯网络技术有限公司很快成立。
- Battalion of network of the media inside inn closes fall the possibility is most distinct, because we plan,undertake recombining to this business. 店内媒体网络营收的降幅可能最为明显,因为我们计划对该业务进行重组。
- Actually, the receivable of network of the ad inside inn reclaims on average day number declines from 300 days or so to 260 days. 实际上,店内广告网络的应收帐款平均回收天数从300天左右下降至260天。
- A network is a collection of computers that are connected together so they can share information, and the Internet is a network of networks. Internet is a network of network. 网络就是指可以共享有关信息的、相互连接起来的一批计算机。而因特网则是网络中的网络。
- Routing tables keep track of network destinations. 路由表保持对网络目的地的跟踪。
- Delete bawdy pornography harmful information more than 32 thousand, clear unit of network of Internet service, couplet 2848, check in all handle a case 368 cases. 删除淫秽色情有害信息3.;2万余条,清理互联网服务、联网单位2848个,共查办案件368起。
- Two measure that are about to implement are safety of network of combinative communication industry ask the new situation that working surface faces, new menace, newly to make. 即将实施的两个办法是结合通信行业网络安全工作面临的新形势、新威胁、新要求制定的。
- Bangkok is crisscrossed by a network of klongs. 曼谷有纵横交错的运河网。
- Staff of network of guest of a rich says, the company basically is in backwater state now, rich guest space of the netizen fears will as rich guest net disband and disappear. 一名博客网员工称,现在公司基本上处于停滞状况,网友的博客空间恐将随着博客网的解散而消失。
- Present problem is, a few people of foreign are fond of the rumor of spy of network of concoctive and alleged China, its view is out of thin air completely. 现在的问题是,国外一些人热衷于捏造所谓中国网络间谍的谣言,其说法完全是无中生有。
- Network of the shortwave FH radio is significant in the military communication, also the applications of network can improve the anti jamming capability of the shortwave FR radio. 摘要短波跳频电台组网在军事通信中占有重要地位,组网应用可以提高跳频电台的抗干扰性能。