- network information users 网络信息用户
- network information user 网络信息
- Gets or sets the network information access level. 获取或设置网络信息访问级别。
- You may also want to inform users about this issue. 您也许有必要让使用者知道有这个问题存在。
- Chinese traveling network information sy. 中国旅游网络信息系统。
- No access to network information. 不能访问网络信息。
- A better way to inform users is with modeless feedback. 通常,通知用户更好的方式是非模态的反馈。
- Demonstrates the NCLNetStat network information tool. 演示NCLNetStat网络信息工具。
- Library network Information resource Organization manages. 图书馆网络信息资源的组织管理。
- User administration has been the key in network information systems , it is a secure question that if to effectively manage users accessing enterprise information systems. 用户管理一直是网络信息系统的关键,对访问企业信息系统的用户的管理是否有效直接涉及到企业信息的安全性问题,所以对访问用户的管理一直备受企业关注。
- This system aviod the problem in IP address and the user can query the computer network information and their rent in time only by WWW browser. 该系统不仅避免了 IP地址盗用 ;而且充分利用 WWW技术 ;使用户只需通过浏览器就可随时查询使用网络的情况和费用 .
- The unsystematic and disorderly network information resources are bound set to difficulty for the users who are eager to find out the required information. 庞杂无序的网络信息资源为用户快速获取所需信息带来了极大的不便,对其实施有效开发已显得极为迫切。
- It identifies the user account to the network, handles authentication and provides data storage for basic user data and network information. 它向网络标识用户帐户,处理身份验证,并为基本用户数据和网络信息提供数据存储。
- Many programmers believe it is their duty to inform users when they make errors entering data. 许多程序员相信,如果用户在输入数据时犯了错误,就有责任通知他们。
- Network information security is obviously lagging behind in network building. 网络信息安全工作明显滞后于网络建设。
- VPN Gateway uses cryptograph algorithms to protect network information. 摘要虚拟专用网(VPN)的网关使用加密算法保护网络信息。
- The studied users is expansionary,not substitutionary .lt's called broadening of information users in this article. 这种变化并不是替代性的,而是扩展性的,这可称之为用户对象的广泛化趋势。
- Accounting information is a primary way to balance the asymmetry between the information users and suppliers. 而会计信息系统是解决会计信息使用者与提供者之间信息不对称问题的主要方式。
- Deep Web; Network information resource; Information retrieval; U.S.A. 深网;网络信息资源;信息检索;美国
- Write to the registry, modify the registry. Implementation of the information users need to write, or deleted. 写入注册表,修改注册表。执行将用户需要信息写入,或删除。