- Library network Information resource Organization manages. 图书馆网络信息资源的组织管理。
- Deep Web; Network information resource; Information retrieval; U.S.A. 深网;网络信息资源;信息检索;美国
- Fair use system is one of the core systems of network information resource intellectual property. 合理使用制度是网络信息资源知识产权制度变革的核心制度之一。
- This paper analyses the statistics, reviews the research content of network information resource management. 本文分析了统计数据,评述了网络信息资源管理的研究内容。
- In network information age, the subject librarians who have professional background and can offer profound information resource service are becoming more and more important. 摘要在网络信息时代,具有专业背景,能提供深层次文献信息服务的学科馆员日趋重要。
- The features of network information resource and network information retrieval are discussed,and the function of network retrieval tools and existing problems are also outlined. 论述网络信息资源、网络信息检索的特点,研究网络检索工具,探讨进行网络检索时应注意的要点。
- This paper discusses characteristic and concept of network information resource,then put forward the principle,countermeasure and way for development network information resource. 本文论述了网络信息资源的概念及特点,提出了网络信息资源的开发利用原则及对策、方法。
- Considering the self features of network information resource, it is necessary to evaluate the sport information resources in the network. 摘要考虑到网络信息资源自身的特点,对网络体育信息资源进行评价是十分必要的。
- The network resources can be divided into network facilities resources and network information resources. 这种网络资源可分为网络设备资源和网络信息资源。
- This article discusses the use of DC metadata catalog of network information resources,as well as associated with the MARC format. 讨论了用DC元数据对网络信息资源的编目问题,以及与MARC格式的关联。
- Subject information gateway is an effective means and method for the organization and development of network information resources. 学科信息门户是网络信息资源组织和开发利用的有效手段和方法。
- The network information resources provides us all kinds of information services,such as science,education,business,history,law,art,and entertainment,etc. 网络信息资源向我们提供各种各样的信息服务,如科学、教育、商务、历史、法律、艺术和娱乐等等。
- The network information resources provides us all kinds of information services, such as science, education, business, history, law, art, and entertainment, etc. 网络信息资源向我们提供各种各样的信息服务,如科学、教育、商务、历史、法律、艺术和娱乐等等。
- The unsystematic and disorderly network information resources are bound set to difficulty for the users who are eager to find out the required information. 庞杂无序的网络信息资源为用户快速获取所需信息带来了极大的不便,对其实施有效开发已显得极为迫切。
- During the new information times,virtual library collections such as network information resource will play more and more important role,and construct information centre of library together with traditional literature information resources. 新的信息时代里 ,网络信息资源等虚拟馆藏异军突起 ,与传统的文献信息资源共同构筑图书馆信息资源大厦。
- network information resource allocation 网络信息资源配置
- network information resource distribution 网络信息资源配置
- free network information resource 免费网络信息资源
- Distribution of Network Information Resource 网络信息资源分布
- Network information resource cataloguing 网络信息资源编目