- network elements leasing 网络元素出租
- Represents the network element in the SMTP configuration file. 表示SMTP配置文件中的网络元素。
- Network element in the network map can be dragged freely. 网络地图中网络元素自由拖拉。
- For this to work, the network element must be equipped with an SNMP agent. 要使用它,网络设备需要装有SNMP代理。
- Functions of three kinds of basic network elements (OLTE, ADM, DXC) and SDH synchronous frame structure are explained. 文中还阐明了OLTE、ADM、DXC等三种基本SDH网络单元的功能和SDH同步帧结构。
- The Alarms Page shows all of the APs,network elements,and managed objects that are under the control of the EMS. 告警页显示 EMS 控制下的所有 AP、网络元素和被管理对象。
- The following graphic shows the AP CLI screen and command that are associated with the LANs and other network elements. 下图显示的是与 LAN 及其他网络元素相关的 AP CLI 屏幕和命令。
- Economies of Scale and Scope, Sunk Costs, Barriers to Entry and Unbundled Network Elements. (经济规模,沉没成本,进入障碍以及非绑定网络元素.;)
- The Alarms Page shows all of the APs, network elements, and managed objects that are under the control of the EMS. 告警页显示 ems 控制下的所有 AP、网络元素和被管理对象。
- In the Flexent architecture, the network elements or resources that can be controlled are represented by symbols and icons on the EMS GUI pages. 在 Flexent 基础架构中,可以控制的网络元素或资源都用 EMS GUI 页上的符号和图标来表示。
- The solvability and diagnosability problem of parametric value for network elements is studied in this paper. 摘要本文研究了网络元件参数值的可解性与可诊断性问题。
- Recently, a number of network elements with ulterior motives played unscrupulously "pure Colombian hunband had! 最近网络上有一些别有用心的不/法分子丧心病狂地打出了“曾哥纯爷们!
- The following graphic shows the AP CLI screen and command that are associated with the RCSs and other network elements:SHOWS RCSs 22-24. 下图显示的是与 RCS 及其他网络元素相关的 AP CLI 屏幕和命令:显示 RCS 22-24。
- In the Flexent architecture,the network elements or resources that can be controlled are represented by symbols and icons on the EMS GUI pages. 在 Flexent 基础架构中,可以控制的网络元素或资源都用 EMS GUI 页上的符号和图标来表示。
- Active Nonvolatile Memory. Memory that contains the software currently used by the network element. 有源非易失性存储器。网络元件中目前普遍使用的带软件的存储器。
- Designing and implementing the interface of EMF, including the interface to server and interface to network element. EMF与网元设备及服务器之间接口的设计与实现。
- The Network Element Management System Based SNMP had been applied to manage YH Routers. 本课题研究开发的基于SNMP的网元管理系统已经应用于银河系列路由器的管理中,取得了预期的研究成果。
- The SNMP protocol is used by network management systems to communicate with network elements or monitor the device on the network. SNMP协议是网络管理系统用来和网络设备通信或监控网络设备的。
- INMS may first collect all kinds of performance data from network elements, and then generate performance report by dealing with these data. 性能管理中所有的监测和分析操作都建立在性能数据采集的基础上,如何保证性能数据采集的正确性和完整性是性能管理中的基础和重点。
- The IP multimedia subsystem is independent of the CS domain although some network elements may be common with the CS domain. IP多媒体子系统独立于CS域网络,尽管有些网元可能和CS域的网元是公用的;