- Based on the analysis of IGI algorithm used to measure network available bandwidth,an improved measurement algorithm has been proposed. 本文在分析网络可用带宽测量算法IGI的基础上,提出了改进算法。
- network available bandwidth 网络可用带宽
- Available bandwidth measurement (ABM) is critical to effectively implement QoS service in network based IP. 可用带宽的测量对于在IP网络上有效地实施QoS服务至关重要.
- With packet switching, unlike circuit switching, multiple connections to nodes on the network share the available bandwidth. 分组交换与电路交换不同,与网络节点的多个连接将共享可用带宽。
- DTCA dynamically sends light-weight packets to detect the state of the network, and adjusts the sending rate to approach the available bandwidth. 该算法通过发送轻量级的探测报文来探知当前网络状态,进而调整数据发送速率,以达到充分利用带宽资源的目的。
- Bringing DTR equipment into an existing token-ring environment will pump up the amounts of available bandwidth. 把DTR设备带入现有的令牌环网环境将提升可用带宽。
- This will use all available bandwidth after audio on the first channel for data. 对第一通道的数据可用所有带宽来模仿音频。
- What are the connections between locations, including available bandwidth and latency? 位置之间的连接是什么样的?包括可用带宽和滞后时间。
- If you set the buffer just right, you can fully utilize the available bandwidth. 如果您设置的缓冲区大小正好合适,那么就可以完全利用可用的带宽。
- Why does my application often have packet loss even the throughput is much lower than the available bandwidth? 为什么我的程序经常丢包,甚至在传输速度远远低于可用的带宽时也会发生?
- The basic idea of our tool is that we can collect many different data under different available bandwidth. 我们工具的基本想法是我们能在不同的可用频宽下收集许多不同的资料。
- ADLM uses an optimal layer rate allocation algorithm which can maximally satisfy each receiver’s available bandwidth. ADLM运用最优化层输率分配算法来自适应地满足接收者的异构性。
- IP network availability is based on the physical status of the IP interface. IP网络的可用性是基于IP接口的物理状态。
- In networked multimedia systems,the probing traffic generated by active measurement of available bandwidth might interfere with the audio-visual communications. 网络多媒体系统中;需要对可用带宽进行主动测量;但测试流会妨碍数据传输质量.
- Hybrid Fiber/Coax Cable (HFC) architec-ture has the advantages of more available bandwidth, high speed and high capacity. 光纤同轴混合(HFC)网络系统具有宽带、高速、大容量的优点.
- Simulations show that AMCA converges? makes use of the available bandwidth and reacts rapidly to dynamic changes while being TCP-fair. 实验结果显示AMCA收敛性很好,可以充分利用有效带宽,并且对于TCP公平的动态变化能够迅速做出反应。
- In this motional video surveillance system, MSTFP model is adopted to predict the next-time available bandwidth of CDMA. 在该移动视频监控系统中,采用MSTFP模型来预测CDMA无线网络下一时刻的有效带宽。
- Ethernet is fundamentally a shared technology where all users on a given LAN segment compete for the same available bandwidth. 乙太网路基本上是分享的技术观念,所有同区段网路使用者分享同一区段可用的频宽。
- In this paper,an adaptive dynamic layered multicast scheme,ADLM is introduced,to address multicast receivers’ heterogeneity in available bandwidth. 摘要 针对多播接收者的可用带宽异构性问题,提出了一种自适应动态分层多播拥塞控制算法(ADLM)。
- The key technologies of NGI are addressed, referring to network scalability, network availability, network manageability, network security, QoS control, and IPv6 technologies. 文章重点探讨了下一代互联网的关键技术:网络可扩展技术、网络可用性技术、网络管理控制技术、网络安全技术、服务质量(QoS)业务控制技术和IPv6技术。