- network application support(NAS) 网络应用支持
- network applications support 网络应用软件支撑程序
- Our global network of Systems Engineers and Field Service Representatives provide bottlers with unmatched applications support. 我们的全球系统工程师及现场服务代表网络可以向灌瓶厂提供无与伦比的应用支持。
- XDR defined a standard representation for data to support the development of communicating heterogeneous network applications. XDR为数据定义一个标准的表示来支持异构网络应用程序通信的开发。
- Different applications support different MIME types. 不同的应用程序支持不同的mime类型。
- Remove previous sentence if your application support only one document type. 如果你的应用程序仅仅支持一种文档类型,删除先前的句子。
- Delete this help topic if your application support only one document type. 如果你的应用程序仅仅支持一种文档类型,删除此帮助话题。
- Network coding has brought about a paradigm shift in network applications. 网络编码带给网络应用一场范式革命。
- Please wait while your network applications data is being collected. 您正在收集网络程序数据,请等待。
- How to progress the VPN network application? 关于VPN网路的申请,要如何着手呢?
- Comprehensive application support for customers. 为客户提供完善的应用支持。
- P2P technology has been extended to almost all areas of network applications. P2P技术已经延伸到几乎所有的网络应用领域。
- Network applications require multicast delivery and group management. 网络应用需要多点投递和群组管理的支持。
- network application support 网络应用支持
- Does your application support a particular security model? 您的应用程序是否支持特殊的安全模型?
- Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and policy. 因特网研究:电子网络、应用与政策。
- MIDP environment also has implications for networked applications. MIDP环境也有对网络应用的需求。
- INAP(Intelligent Network Application Protocol) describing in ASN. 实现了INAP(智能网应用协议)从ASN.
- ASN.1 ; encoding; decoding; Network Application Protocol . ASN.;1;编码;解码;应用层网络协议。