- Network Address Translator (NAT) technology and IPSec technology are widely used in the Internet today. 网络地址转换技术 (NAT)和 IP安全体系结构 (IPSec)在实际中都是得到广泛应用的技术 .
- Translation: Controls Network Address Translation and packet redirection. 转换:控制网络地址转换和数据包重定向。
- Another function is firewalls and Network Address Translation (NAT) boxes. 还可以当作防火墙和网络地址解释器(NAT)使用。
- This is a telephone number a network address translation of the source code. 这是一个电话号码合网络地址转换的程序源代码。
- The IP Network Address Translator(NAT) IP网络地址翻译器
- NAT (network address translator) 网络地址转换
- In addition to routing, the kernel can perform network address translation, traffic shaping and filtering. 除了路由之外,内核能实现网络地址转换(NAT)、流量控制和包过滤。
- In any NAT (network address translation) configuration, what is the Inside Global IP address? 关于NAT中的内部全局地址,下列说法正确的是?
- Network Address Translation (NAT) is the simplest way of accessing an external network from a virtual machine. 网络地址转换(NAT)是最简单的方法从一个虚拟机访问外部网。
- These applications cannot work when Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled. 这些申请无法工作当网路位址翻译(NAT)是能够.
- This update also enables users of the Voice.Net service to reach the telephony service from behind Network Address Translators (NATs). 通过此更新程序;Voice.;Net服务的用户还可以从网络地址转换器(NAT)的后面访问电话服务。
- This document provides answers to some of the more frequently asked questions with regard to Cisco IOS Network Address Translation (NAT). 今天帮助一个同事解决一些问题所以就看到了这个文章希望能够对大家有用。当然了还是英文的大家对付看吧实在是不好意思。
- Applied study on technology of network address translator 网络地址翻译技术应用研究
- A service that is found in Office Communications Server 2007 that enables voice media to be passed through devices that use Network Address Translation (NAT) or firewalls. Office Communications Server 2007中包含的服务,利用这项服务,声音介质可以通过使用了网络地址转换(NAT)或防火墙的设备。
- Technology of Network Address Translator and Network Security 网络地址转换技术与网络安全
- Implementation of Network Address Translation (NAT) on routers allows you to overlap network numbers and translate them to unused address space as a temporary solution. 网络地址转换(NAT)在路由器上的执行允许你使用重复的网络地址并转换到不用的地址空间作为一个临时的解决方案。
- Egevang K.The IP network address translator (NAT).NTT,RFC1631,1994 章文嵩.;可伸缩网络服务的研究与实现
- Armed with URL load-balancing capabilities,Network Address Translation,and embedded Domain Name System intelligence,the switches use complex policies to manage and speed Web traffic flow. 这些交换机配备了统一资源定位符(URL)负荷平衡功能、网络地址转换和嵌入式域名系统智能,能利用复杂的政策来管理和加快Web流量。
- When an Edge Transport server is protected by a router or firewall that uses Network Address Translation (NAT), NAT disrupts the Edge Transport server's hop count and routing loop calculations. 当边缘传输服务器受使用网络地址转换(NAT)的路由器或防火墙保护时,则NAT会中断边缘传输服务器的跃点计数和路由循环计算。
- Network Address Translation(NAT) causes difficulties for peer-to-peer(P2P) communication,and therefore NAT traversal has become a problem to be faced and solved by P2P application . 网络中存在的Network Address Translation(NAT)使得Peer-to-Peer(P2P)通信存在极大的困难,因此穿透NAT已经成为P2P应用必须面对和解决的问题。