- network Party organization 网络党组织
- The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches. 随着选举临近,党组织的活动也如火如荼。
- There is no Party organization in Anfu. 安福没有党的组织。
- They turned my request over to the Party organization in Shantou. 他们把我的请求转给了汕头的党组织。
- This task required new forms of Party organization work . 这一任务要求党的组织工作采取新的形式。
- This task required new forms of Party organization work. 这一任务要求党的组织工作采取新的形式。
- The Party organization singled out the activists from the masses. 党组织从群众中选拔积极分子。
- The Party organization not only grew afresh but also became consolidated. 党的组织不但重新发展了,而且得到了巩固。
- What is this? What kind of party organizer is he? 搞什么嘛?他算哪种聚会主办人?
- A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that adopted Lenin's theses on party organization in 1903. 布尔什维克俄国社会民主工人党占多数派的左翼成员,该党于1903年接受了列宁建党理论
- What is this? What kind of party organizer is he ? 搞什么嘛?他算哪种聚会主办人?
- Some Party organizations are feeble and lax. 有的党组织软弱涣散。
- As a result,it damages the Party organization as well as individuals. 其结果,不但毁坏了个人,也毁坏了党的组织。
- You should act in obedience to the decisions of the Party organization. 你必须服从党组织的决定。
- As a result, it damages the Party organization as well as individuals. 其结果,不但毁坏了个人,也毁坏了党的组织。
- Under thecondition that theaurchasing amount arrives the quantity contracted,arty A agrees k to give Network Party Betteru ter_ls of payment than the other Chinese clients ofParty A. 第七条在乙方采购量达到双方商定的标准的条件下,甲方同意为乙方提供优于甲方的其它中国客户的付款条件。
- But to get a full picture of what is happening you cannot read the party organ. 不过,要了解眼前发生的事的全貌你不能只读党的机关刊物。
- The front committee is in charge of the local party organizations. 前委管理地方党。
- Comrade Mao Zedong set forth a series of policies and principles concerning Party organization. 在党的组织方面,毛泽东同志还提出了一系列的方针原则。
- Some Party organizations have even given tacit consent to this view. 并且有一部分党的组织,也正是默认了他们的这种想法。