- The results indicate that the metallurgical structure of AgSnO 2 material without additives exists black net like morphology. 结果表明:不含添加剂的AgSnO2粉末烧结组织中存在黑色的网状形貌;
- There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate; there is no net like delusion, no river like craving. 贪心是最猛烈的火,憎恨是最坏的执著,迷惑和错误的见解是最难脱逃的网,爱欲是最难渡过的河流。
- There is no fire like lust; there is no grip like hatred; there is no net like delusion; there is no river like craving. 无(任何)火可相等于贪欲(之火),无(任何)执著可相等于嗔(的执著),无(任何)罗网可相等于痴(的罗网),无(任何)河流可相等于渴爱(之流)。
- For purpose of loosely-coupling and reusability, a typical SMF application is normally designed to have a toy-trick like structure. 为了便于松耦合和再利用,典型的SMF应用程序通常有一个类似于toy-trick的结构。
- Many business partners also estimate the offer pallets of Geodezie CZ s.r.o., like Structure, Advisory and information as well as Buildings. 请您访问我们的主页或者发送给我们电子邮件,垂询当前的产品系列和服务。
- SEM showed that the aciform-wollastonite dispersed in FRHIPS matrix as needle like structure, acting as a role of reinforcing... 扫描电子显微镜观察显示,硅灰石以一定长度的针状细条嵌入HIPS基体中,起到部分玻璃纤维的改性作用,阻燃HIPS材料的冲击断面仍为韧性断裂。
- The structure which has a five-membered ring like structure with two distorted hydrogen bonds is predicted to be the global minimum. 计算预测了能量整体最小点的构型为带有2个扭曲的氢键的五元环结构。
- Appling this scheme to all inverted siphon works with gate way like structure the anticipated technical and economic requirements can be achieved. 并将此方案推广至所有城门洞型现浇倒虹管的施工中,达到了施工方案的技术经济要求。
- Shaquille O'Neal beats the New Jersey Nets like a red headed stepchild. 奥尼尔把新泽西网队打了个落花流水。
- There are 4 ore types in the Wendeng deposit,they are the gold bearing cataclastic rocks,the net like gold bearing tectonic breccias and the cataclasied,mineralized middle coarse grained adamellite. 矿石类型主要是含金碎裂岩 ,含金构造角砾岩 ,网状含金构造角砾岩 ,碎裂化、矿化粗中粒二长花岗岩 4种。
- The dominant pathological features of KS were proliferation of spindie cells, hemangioma- like structure, extravasation of erythrocytes and deposits of hemosiderin. 组织学以梭形细胞增生、血管瘤样结构、红细胞外溢及含铁血黄素沉积为主。
- Experts strongly advise that the best in the nasal intranasal instillation of the net like vasoconstriction agent in order to reduce the swelling of the nose and the eustachian tube Department edema. 专家特别提醒,最好能在鼻腔内滴入滴鼻净之类的血管收缩剂,以减少鼻部咽鼓管处的肿胀和水肿。
- Lacustrine dolomite reservoir in the hinterland of Biyang Sag is mainly distributed at No.2 and No.3 sections of Hetaoyuan with its development controlled mainly by the lithology diagenesis and nose?like structure. 泌阳凹陷腹部湖相白云岩油层主要分布在核二3和核三2段,其发育程度主要受岩性、成岩作用和鼻状构造控制。
- In lower vertebrates, the pineal gland has an eye like structure and it functions as a light receptor and is considered by some to be the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye. 在较低等脊椎动物里,松果体有一个类似眼睛的结构而它的功能如同光的受体,一些人认为是现代眼睛进化早期的样子。
- Abstract: Lacustrine dolomite reservoir in the hinterland of Biyang Sag is mainly distributed at No.2 and No.3 sections of Hetaoyuan with its development controlled mainly by the lithology diagenesis and nose?like structure. 文摘:泌阳凹陷腹部湖相白云岩油层主要分布在核二3和核三2段,其发育程度主要受岩性、成岩作用和鼻状构造控制。
- When cultured the AFP~+/Nestin~+/CK19~+ progenitor cells on Matrigel in William E culture medium supplemented with 100ng/ml HGF for 7 days, we observed bile canaliculi like structure in vitro. 将祖细胞培养在胞外基质Matrigel上,以含100ng/m1 HGF的William E培养液培养7d后观察发现祖细胞形成胆管上皮样结构。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- Apoptosis?body?like structures were observed in the cells treated with RA, 8?MOP,or the combination of RA with 8?MOP. 单独应用RA、8-MOP或二者联合应用,有类似凋亡小体样结构出现。
- He hit the tennis ball over the net. 他把网球打过了网。