- An evaluation formula of net income approach is introduced in this paper,and its application to economic evaluation of old building reconstruction is explained with engineering cases. 通过建立净收益现值法评价公式并用工程实例说明在旧房改造经济评价中的应用方法,证明其应用更为方便。
- After-tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sales. 税後利润率指净收入与净销售之比。
- net income approach 净收益估值法
- Net income Revenues less operating costs. 净收入收入减去经营成本。
- What explains the US net income balance? 如何解释美国净资本帐平衡?
- Bowling for soup Income Approach and Time Value of Money. 收益法和资金的时间价值。
- After-tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sale. 税后利润率指净收入与净销售之比。
- Growth Rate of Per Capita net income was excluded prices change. 注:农民人均纯收入增长扣除价格变动因素。
- So this slide here shows a total net income from the previous year. 这张幻灯片显示的是去年总的净收入。
- This slide here shows a total net income from the previous year. 这张幻灯片表明的是前一年净收入的总额。
- After- tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sale. 税後利润率指净收入与净销售之比。
- Net income deficits worsened while exports outstripped imports. 净收入赤字加剧,尽管出口大于进口。
- My salary before taxes is $5000 per month, but my net income is not good. 我的税前工资是每月5000美元,但是纯收入并不算多。
- The income approach is one of the basic land-price appraisal methods, which is acknowledged internationally. 收益还原法是国际上公认的土地价格评估的基本方法之一。
- When revenue exceeds expenses, net income occurs, otherwise net loss occurs. 当收入超过费用时,将导致净收益,反之,为净损失。
- The strengths of the income approach are:Best measurement of total depreciation of all assets;Recognition of economics. 收益法的优点是:对全部资产总的陈旧贬值进行测算是最好的;辨别经济性陈旧
- The net income per head rose by about 16 percent in the past three years. 在过去的三年中每人的净收入增长了大约16%25。
- Thus, evaluation by the ROI formula or by the residual income approach will not be possible. 因此便无法以ROI公式或剩余收益来衡量其绩效。
- Tax ratio The ratio of income tax expense to net income before taxes. 缴付的税额与税前纯收入的比率。
- The weaknesses of the income approach are:Cannot segregate specific assets;Subjectivity of income projections and rates of return. 收益法的缺点是:不能分别估算具体的资产;收益设计和利润率的主观随意性。