- Each atom would have a very small net charge. 每一个原子都会有一个很小的净电荷。
- She took the charge off the bill. 她把单上的帐销去。
- The average net charge of glycine is zero. 甘氨酸静电荷为零
- The firm had to charge off the debt as hopeless. 公司只得把那笔没希望要回的债务注销。
- She charged off the mistake to inexperience. 她把错误归咎於缺乏经验。
- The director of the factory ordered to charge off all products produced two years ago. 这个工厂的厂长下令把两年前所生产的产品都作为损耗来处理。
- A sol considered as a whole cannot have a net charge. 一种胶体,就其整体而言可认为不带净电荷。
- What is the net charge of the molecule at pH 3, 8, and 11? 其在pH3,8,和11下的净电荷是多少?
- He charged off the mistake to inexperience. 他把错误归咎于缺乏经验。
- The account has been charged off. 账目已经注销。
- Barry charged off his mistakes to experience. 巴里把错误视为经验教训。
- Within the remainder of the dielectric the net charge per unit volume remains zero. 在电介质的其余部分,单位体积的静电荷仍为零。
- The boys charged off to play basketball as soon as lunch was over. 午饭刚吃完,男孩子们就跑出去玩篮球了。
- If a molecule of net charge q is placed in an electric field, a force F is exerted upon it. 若将带静电荷q的分子放入电场,则有一个力F作用于其上。
- Five factorswere chosen as main influence factors: heat of formation, net charge of metal centeratom, HOMO and LUMO. 并以铁卟啉类化合物的生成热、中心金属电荷、最高占据轨道HOMO和最低非占据轨道LUMO能量为主要参数进行讨论。
- The store owner charged off all of the last year's stock of suits. 店主把去年所有库存的服装当作损耗处理。
- The net charge of a body might be described by a statement of the excess number of electrons or protons in the body. 一个物体所带净电荷的量,可以用在这个物体内的过剩电子数或过剩质子数来表示。
- They charged off this big loss to the manager's misleading. 他们把这个重大损失归因于经理的错误领导。
- Each amino acid has its own characteristic isoelectric point, where the net charge on the molecule is zero. 每个氨基酸都有自己的等电点,等电点的条件是净电荷为零。
- The general manager thinks that the company can charge off its success to his leadership. 总经理认为,这个公司之所以成功是由于他领导有方。