- Nervus intermedius disorder 中间神经障碍
- Nervus intermedius function 中间神经功能
- Nervus intermedius neuralgia 中间神经神经痛
- nervus intermedius 中间神经
- Preseving intermedius nervus are as protect same inportment as facial nere motor branches during the operation. 保护中间神经同保护面神经运动支一样重要。
- Conclusions Our study shows that know clearly the shapes and location on intermedius nervus is benefit to select better operative approaches and avoid to damage. 结论了解中间神经的显微解剖形态,可以正确选择手术入路,避免神经损伤;
- The position on intermedius nervus changed in cerebellopontine angle, while there were signficance relations between intemal acoustic artery and intermedius nervus. 结果中间神经分为桥小脑角段,内听道段和面神经管段。
- Non temere credre,est nervus sapientae. : 智慧之要领在于不要轻信。
- The woman ( )is so nervus that she can't express herself clearly. 参考答案: 空里要填一个定语从句,修饰The woman 。
- Cutaneus dorsalis intermedius pedis nervus 足背中间皮神经
- nervus cutaneus dorsalis intermedius 足背中间皮神经
- Considerable intraspecific differentiation was found in A. intermedius. 中介蝮有较大的种下分化。
- The main innervation of the three YIN meridians of foot is nervus saphenus. 足三阴经均有隐神经分布。
- Rana chensinensis and Gloydius intermedius were the dominant species with a relatively concentrated distribution. 中国林蛙和中介蝮分别为两栖类和爬行类的优势种,但分布较集中。
- Divide the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius muscles in the direction of their fibers and open and reflect the periosteum for the proper distance. 按纤维方向劈开股外侧肌和股中间肌;切开适当长度的骨膜并向两侧牵开。
- The nervus auricul- aris posterior mainly conducted to the cells of the facial necleus in the intern- al area. 耳后神经主要传导至面神经核的内侧细胞群。
- B, Femur exposed by separation of rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles and division of vastus intermedius muscle. 分开股直肌和股外侧肌,劈开股中间肌,显露股骨。
- Objective To explore microanatomical shape on intermidius nervus and its relations to adjacent tissure and structures. 目的探讨中间神经的显微解剖形态与毗邻组织结构的关系。
- A certain genetic distance was detected among A. i. intermedius, A. i . saxatilis and Gansu samples and Ningxia samples of A. intermedius. 中介蝮的甘肃标本、宁夏标本、指名亚种及黑眉亚种间有一定的遗传距离。
- The nervus cutaneus colli mainly conducted to the cells of facial nucleus in the middle area. 颈皮神经主要传导至面神经核的中间细胞群;