- nervus ciliaris brevis 短睫状神经
- nervus ciliaris longus 长睫状神经
- nervus ciliaris 睫神经
- Non temere credre,est nervus sapientae. : 智慧之要领在于不要轻信。
- Lactobacillus brevis is a important strain of lactobacillus. 短乳杆菌是乳酸菌中乳杆菌属的重要菌种。
- The woman ( )is so nervus that she can't express herself clearly. 参考答案: 空里要填一个定语从句,修饰The woman 。
- The main innervation of the three YIN meridians of foot is nervus saphenus. 足三阴经均有隐神经分布。
- A polypeptide antibiotic,produced by the soil microorganism Bacillus brevis,that is a major constituent of tyrothricin. 短杆菌酪素一种多肽抗生素,由土壤中的微生物土壤杆菌产生,是混合短杆肽菌的重要组成部分
- At this point Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis continue to function. 此时植物乳杆菌和短乳杆菌继续起作用。
- The influence zone of the tonometer's rod must be the part of sclera corresponding to corona ciliaris. 眼压仪杆的影响区带必须是与睫状冠相对的巩膜部分。
- Vita nostra brevis est, brevi finietur.Venit mors velociter, rapid nos atrociter, nemini parcetur. 我们的生命是短暂的,不久后将结束。死亡迅速来到,残酷地夺取我们,没有人被保留。
- Biosystematic studies among Roegneria pendulina, R. ciliaris and R. kamoji of the Tribe Triticeae, Gramineae. 小麦族鹅观草属三种植物的生物系统学研究.
- The anatomy of extensor digitorum brevis (EDB)and extensor hallucis brevis(EHB)is also dicussed. 同时对拇,、趾短伸肌解剖也加以研究。
- The infection rate of Demodex folliculorum (65.18%) was higher than that of Demodex brevis (24.11%). 毛囊蠕形螨面部感染率(65.;18%25)高于皮脂蠕形螨(24
- The nervus auricul- aris posterior mainly conducted to the cells of the facial necleus in the intern- al area. 耳后神经主要传导至面神经核的内侧细胞群。
- Preseving intermedius nervus are as protect same inportment as facial nere motor branches during the operation. 保护中间神经同保护面神经运动支一样重要。
- An antibiotic produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus brevis and used to treat infections caused by certain gram-positive bacteria. 短杆菌肽,短杆菌抗生素由一种土壤杆菌短杆菌产生的,用于治疗由革兰氏阳性菌引起的感染
- Objective To explore microanatomical shape on intermidius nervus and its relations to adjacent tissure and structures. 目的探讨中间神经的显微解剖形态与毗邻组织结构的关系。
- In this study, most of the demodex belonged to the species Demodex folliculorumo Only a few Demodex brevis were found. 本文报导广州地区人体蠕形螨的感染情况;感染率为9.;55%25;较国内其它地区所报导的感染率为低。
- It was supposed that R. amurensis should be the subspecies of R. ciliaris, and R. japonensis should be the variety of R. ciliaris. 建议将毛叶鹅观草作为纤毛鹅观草的亚种,而竖立鹅观草作为纤毛鹅观草的变种处理较为适宜。