- Hand-carved nephrite Jade Hand Carved in shapes of turtles. Loop fastener. 手工雕刻的可调整的翡翠手镯海龟。
- Wang, Chunyun and Zhang, Huifen, 1989, Essence of the color of nephrite jade. 王春云,1989,软玉颜色的本质。
- From the 2nd millennium BC nephrite jade was being traded from mines in the region of Yarkand and Khotan to China. 从公元2000年开始,软玉裴翠已经从叶尔羌与和阗的矿场运送到中国。
- The XRD analysis shows the "water line" in Qinghai nephrite jade is mainly composed of tremolite. 通过X射线粉晶衍射分析确定了青海软玉中的“水线”主要由透闪石组成。
- Nephrite jade consists of the calcium- and magnesium-rich amphibole mineral actinolite (aggregates of which also make up one form of asbestos). 软玉是由富含钙和镁的闪石矿物的阳起石组成的,这种阳起石聚集体同样也是石棉的组成成分。
- Nephrite jade was used mostly in pre-1800 China as well as in New Zealand, the Pacific Coast and Atlantic Coasts of North America, Neolithic Europe, and south-east Asia. 软玉被用得最多的是在1800年之前的中国,处于北美洲的太平洋和大西洋之间的新西兰,新石器时代的欧洲还有东南亚,除此之外还有危地马拉。
- There, white and greenish nephrite jade is found in small quarries and as pebbles and boulders in the rivers flowing from the Kuen-Lun mountain range northward into the Takla-Makan desert area. 在那里的一些小的采矿场人们发现了白色的和绿色的玉,于此同时,一些鹅暖石和大圆石伴随着源于昆仑山附近的河流向北流向了流沙地区。
- Nephrite jade is also a variety of Xinjiang, which was originally green, because it contains more than graphite, and in the medium to long term weathering Karakash River to look dark, much like Moyu. 碧玉也是新疆软玉的一个品种,它本来是绿色的,因为含石墨多,且在喀拉喀什河中长期风化,使外表漆黑,很像墨玉。
- Wollastonite enhances the transparency of Qinghai nephrite jade and reduces its luster.The wollastonite may be one of the main reasons that influence the quality of Qinghai nephrite jade. 硅灰石的存在增加了青海软玉的透明度,降低了油润度.对青海软玉的质量产生较大的影响。
- Identification of Several Commom Nephrite Jades and Its Imitations 南阳玉器市场几种常见白玉及仿冒品的鉴别
- Wollastonite in Qinghai Nephrite Jade and Its Significance 青海软玉中硅灰石的确定及其意义
- Keywords Jadeite Jade;Nephrite Jade;Serpentine Jade; 硬玉;软玉;蛇纹玉;
- Nephrite is one of China's most five famous jades. 和田玉是中国五大名玉之一。
- Research on Petrologic Character of Nephrite Jade From Baikal Lake Region in Russia 俄罗斯贝加尔湖地区软玉的岩石学特征研究
- It's a collection of Chinese jade. 这是收藏的一批中国玉器。
- I have a pair of jade bracelets. 我有一对翡翠手镯。
- Of all the high mountains, Mt. Jade is the highest. 在所有高山当中,玉山为最高。
- This jade dragon is a genuine antique. 这件玉龙是真正的古玩。
- nephrite jades 软玉玉器