- With siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St.Mary's Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. 伴着晚上警报器的鸣叫声,救护车把婴儿送到田纳西州诺克斯维尔市的圣玛丽医院,新生儿重病特护区。
- Objective:To assess the stress level and discuss coping styles of child s parents in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). 目的:评价新生儿重症监护中心(NICU)患儿家长的压力水平,探讨减轻压力的应对方法。
- The design of this study is retrospective, purposive sampling was used to select 192 cases that die in the neonatal intensive care unit. 本研究采回溯性病历回顾的研究设计,以立意取样选取192位死亡新生儿为研究对象。
- Objective Forty-two cases with the peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) were analysed. 目的介绍新生儿监护病房开展外周导入中心静脉置管术(PICC)在42例的应用经验。
- Early identification and intervention of neuromotor dysfunction of high-risk infants at neonatal intensive care unit is increasingly emphasized. 摘要如何早期发现高危险新生儿的神经动作发展问题,而进一步提供介入,提升其发展潜能,为新生儿加护病房内积极探讨之议题。
- The survival rate of premature infants has been raised in recent years along with the developing of perinatal medicine and advancing neonatal intensive care unit(NICU). 近年来,随着围产医学的发展和NICU抢救水平的不断提高,早产儿的存活率不断上升,而存活中的早产儿,发生早产儿视网膜病也随之增多。
- Management with immediate delivery leads to high neonatal mortality and morbidity rates and prolonged hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit because of prematurity. 发生在34孕周以前的重度先兆子痫有高围产期死亡率和患病率。
- The incidences of meconium passage,newborn asphyxia and admissions to neonatal intensive care unit in severe ICP were significantly higher than that in mild ICP. They were 38.4% vs 9.1%,13.4% vs 4.4%,and 15.1% vs 9.6% respective- ly. 重度组ICP患者羊水粪染、新生儿窒息和新生儿转入重症监护室的发生率分别为38.;4%25(66/172)、13
- In the period from August 1995 to September 1996, 155 very low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants were consecutively admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Mackay Memorial Hospital. 在1995年8月至1996年9月期间,共有155位极低出生体重早产儿住进马偕纪念医院新生儿加护病房。
- Coagulase negative staphylococci are the commonest blood culture isolate from infants on neonatal intensive care units. 摘要凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌是新生儿加护病房最常见血液阳性培养。
- Objective To assess the applicative value partial peripheral nutrition(PPN) on neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). 目的分析部分静脉营养在危重新生儿中的应用价值。
- neonatal intensive care unit(NICU) 新生儿重症监护病房
- neonatal intensive care unit ( NICU) 新生儿重症监护室(NICU)
- Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) 新生儿重症监护病房
- Objective To summarize the nursing essentials of hearing screen of high-risk neonates in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and to explore the high-risk factors related to hearing disorders. 目的总结新生儿重症监护室(NICU)中高危新生儿听力筛查的护理要点,探讨与听力异常有关的高危因素。
- He was transported to the neonate intensive care unit, where chest roentgenogram confirmed pleural effusion over the left side. 出院后,从未至门诊追踪,在4个月后出现严重的呼吸困难症状而至急诊室求诊。
- MethodsDPOAE and TEOAE were separately measured in three groups of neonates: normal neonates (NN), Cassarean section neonates (CSN) and neonatal intensive care unit neonates(NICUN) with Capella emission analyzer. 方法 应用Capella耳声发射分析仪对正常新生儿组、剖腹产儿组、新生儿监护病房组三组新生儿进行DPOAE、TEOAE检测。
- Ethics of the Giving-up Therapy in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 新生儿重症监护室中放弃治疗的伦理问题
- Newborn hearing screening in neonatal intensive care unit 新生儿重症监护病房中高危新生儿听力筛查研究
- Developmental Supportive Care in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 新生儿重症监护室中的发育支持护理