- Neo Confucianist scholars dealt with it from the standpoint of national culture and offered a new perspective. 现代新儒家站在民族文化本位的立场上,对五四新文化运动进行了认真的梳理。
- In every school at Neo Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties, it bringed about important effect on the formation of He jian and Yi shui school and the development of medicine thought that inheritance and absorbtion of academic thought or argument. 宋明理学各学术流派之间,在学术思想上的继承和吸收、鸣与辩论,对金元时期河间与易水学派的形成以及医学思想的发展,产生了重要的推动作用。
- Fen was then also a fa- mous neo - Confucian. 冯先生后来又成了一位著名的新儒家。
- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- Confucian collectivism 儒教社群主义
- Neo confucian 理学
- Here we are at the Confucian Temple. 现在我们来到孔庙。
- Do you approve of the neo design? 您赞成这种新设计吗?
- The Confucian Temple was built in his honor. 孔庙是为纪念孔子而建的。
- Neo: You haven't answered my question. 你还没回答我的问题呢。
- They could recite whole pages of Confucian thought. 他们可以背诵儒家思想的整个篇章。
- Please, Neo, you have to trust me. 请你相信我。
- Are the Confucian teachings still relevant? 孔孟思想还有用吗?
- Neo - You haven""t answered my question. 你还没有回答我的问题。
- Neo: Programs hacking programs. Why? 尼欧?程式入侵程式。为什麽?
- Neo: You haven answered my question. 你还没回答我的问题。
- But on the whole,Confucian good sense forbids it. 可是在大体上说来,儒家的健全的意识是反对这种行为的。
- She is owing to has collectivism spirit to suffer to commend. 她由于有集体主义精神而受到表彰。
- Neo: Cipher, I need to learn Kongfu Now. 我要马上学习中国功夫,就现在。
- LF (4 ohms) - dual 10-inch reflex neo. 低频(4欧姆)-双10英寸反射新.