- nemesis and karma 因缘果报
- Allow the sun to begin to transmute the patterning and karma. 允许太阳开始转化模式与业力。
- Was he aiming at Bryant, his old nemesis and a favorite target in the past? 他是不是暗指科比,一直的“竞争对手”和过去最中意的目标?
- When this stage is reached then the hindrances and karma are overcome. 唯此状态达到后,则超越阻碍和因果。
- Because of your life and karma, food and what you ingested was an escape. 因为你的生活和业力。你所摄取的食物就是一个逃离。
- No, gossip is cyclical and karmic, like a boomerang. 不,流言是循环的,是有因果的,就像自食其果。
- Lakers fans had moved on. Kobe was a solo act, dealing with new problems that had nothing to do with his former nemesis and teammate. Lakers的球迷不停地煽动。Kobe是一个独行侠,在处理新问题时从不和队友一起解决。
- If Nemesis and metempsychosis exist, SAS, pig plague, birds flu, and H5N1 virus are made of them ?Is the war a revenge ? 如果说真有报应和轮回,SAS,猪瘟,禽流感,什么H5N1是报应和轮回的产物吗?
- Spells, curses, hexes and karma are all transferred from one party to another through the act of seduction. 符咒、倒钩咒、八角咒和业力,都是藉由诱惑的行为而从一方转到另一方身上的。
- I intend to resurrect each combust ancestor and account for all records and karma from their respective lifetimes. 我意愿复活每一名自我焚化的祖先,并解决来自他们在世时的所有记录和业力。
- Therefore intend to cease to take records of another and release or transcend all related thought-form, patterning, machinery and karma. 因此意愿停止从别人那里获得记录,并释放和超越所有相关的思想形态、模式、机械和业力。
- No level is better than any other, although the levels do require variant focuses due to variant problems and karma to be addressed in the ascent. 没有一个层次比其它层次更好,但是由于在提升中多种问题和业力被从事,层次需要不同的焦点。
- Transcend the thought-form and karma behind the concept of laziness, and the lazy cells or organs can be modified to do their job in full. 超越了懒惰观念后面的思想形态和业力,懒惰的细胞或器官可以被修改到去充分执行它们的职责。
- I intend to resurrect each combust ancestor related unto my inheritance and account for all records and karma from their respective lifetimes. 我意愿复活每一位对我遗传有关的自燃祖先们,并统计他们各自的生命期中的所有记录和业力。
- In order to heal, one must be willing to release the pain and karma of the past and allow those who trespassed oneself in any manner to be forgiven. 为了疗愈,你必须意愿去释放过去的痛苦和业力,并让那些以任何方式侵入自己的被宽恕。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Therefore intend to cease to give away one's records and release or transcend all related thought-form, patterning, machinery and karma. 因此意愿去停止给出你的记录,并释放或超越所有相关的思想形态、模式、机械和业力。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- As one engages with the sparkling fan, one's field is tapped into and records, chi and grid work removed and karma added in its place. 当你介入这一闪闪发光的扇子中时,你的能量场就被接入,你的记录、气和晶格层被移走而业力则在空缺位置被加入。