- He lay on the floor with a cushion under his head. 他躺在地板上,头下枕着一个垫子。
- neidhart cushion 奈特哈特橡胶缓冲器
- Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing. 有效的减震装置缓解了我们著陆时的冲撞力。
- He covered the cushion with new material. 他给靠垫蒙上了新的料子。
- She embroidered the cushion with flowers. 她把垫子绣上了花。
- The cushion needs to be shaken up. 这个靠垫得拍松了。
- The cushion was stuck full of pins. 针插上插满了针。
- She made a cushion out of odd bits of material. 她用碎布头做了个靠垫。
- The training program help to cushion the effect of unemployment. 这项训练计划有助於缓冲失业造成的影响。
- She embroidered flowers on the cushion (in gold thread). 她(用金线)在垫子上绣花。
- Something, such as a stool, cushion, or board, on which to kneel. 跪垫下跪时垫在膝下的东西,如跪凳、跪垫或跪板
- The training program helps to cushion the effect of unemployment. 这项训练计划有助於缓冲失业造成的影响。
- She slip and fall, but have a soft landing on some cushion. 她滑倒了,好在是跌在一些垫子上了。
- A hovercraft rides on a cushion of air. 气垫船悬浮在气垫上行驶.
- The cat huddled itself up on the cushion. 猫在坐垫上将身子缩成一团。
- She took the cushion and plumped it up. 她拿起垫子,把它拍松。
- Nothing can cushion us against the fear of death. 什么都不能减轻我们对死亡的恐惧。
- She make a cushion out of odd bit of material. 她用碎布头做了个靠垫。
- His hat helped to cushion the blow. 他的帽子减轻了这下打击。
- Nothing could cushion the shock of her death. 没有任何东西能减轻她的死所造成的打击。