- negative examples supervised 负例监督
- It may serve as teaching material by negative example. 它可以作反面教材。
- The negative examples, from Timor to Kosovo are quite clear. Battering people into loyalty is a highly ineffective strategy. 威胁人民是绝对无法得到效忠的。从东帝汶到科索沃,都是活生生的例子。
- Based on extension matrix formed on positive and negative examples, we set up the integer-programming model (IPM) for optimal rule extraction and feature subset selection. 与传统的启发式算法相比,采用遗传算法求解的规划模型可以找到多个全局最优解以及可行解。
- The perverse acts of the reactionaries taught the people a negative example. 反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民。
- The perverse acts of the reactionaries taught the people by negative example. 反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民。
- To green architects the buildings now in vogue are a negative example. 不少时髦风尚的大楼,看在绿色建筑师眼里,却是负面示範。
- This article gives some wrong examples of algorithm in advantaged mathematics, analyses relative factors that due to the wrong algorithm and illuminates with some negative examples. 摘要列举了高等数学中一些常见的错误定势思维事例,分析了形成错误定势思维的原因,并收集了一些反例给予说明。
- While many are against such practices,what we have before us is a negative example that proves to be a huge success. 有人大力鞭斥,摆在眼前的,却是负面的成功例子。
- For instance, a bad fellow like Wang Ming plays a good role as a teacher by negative example. 比如,象王明这样的坏人,就起着反面教员的好作用。
- The negative example and reductio ad adsurdum Proof obtain an interesting application in statistical mathematic. 反例和反证法是数学中常用的方法,在统计数学中也有许多有趣的应用。
- The falser their words and the greater their mistakes, the better, and the more isolated they will become and the better they will educate the people by negative example. 他们讲的话越错越好,犯的错误越大越好,这样他们就越孤立,就越能从反面教育人民。
- I supervised the workers loading the lorry. 我监督工人把货物装上卡车。
- Let them stay on in their own unit but strip them of their political capital, isolate them and use them as teachers by negative example. 要留在原单位,剥夺他的一切政治资本,使他孤立起来,利用他当反面教员。
- Before long, illustrious, star-studded star of "indulgence" synonymous with the audience who sought to become idols, "a negative example. 曾几何时,光彩夺目、星光熠熠的明星成为“放纵”的代名词,受众人追捧的偶像成为“反面教材”。
- Without going into the details of caching service call results, I will give you a negative example from project experience, so you can avoid the described pitfall. 不用深入研究高速缓存服务调用结果的详细情况,我将给您举一个项目经历中的反面实例,可以使您避免所描述的缺陷。
- Examples in this dictionary are in italics. 本词典中的示例均为斜体字。
- This algorithm is based on the Euclidean space. For a set of positive example and negative example, this algorithm produce only one rule and its matching speed is high compared to AQ. 因此就示例学习这一领域提出了一种新的算法HP,这一算法是基于n维欧几里德空间中的超平面提出的,对一个正例集和一个反例集,这一算法的规则只有一个,其匹配速度比AQ要快的多。
- Such examples could be multiplied indefinitely. 这样的例子不胜枚举。
- The answer to my request was in the negative. 对我的请求的答复是否定的。