- negative input value 负输入值
- The input values to the asynchronous call. 异步调用的输入值。
- Number of discrete input values. 离散输入点数量。
- This can occur if the input value that is used in a lookup is a single, short word. 如果查找中使用的输入值是一个短单词,则可能会发生这种情况。
- The following statement executes the procedure, supplying the input value of 23 for the parameter. 下面的语句执行过程,为参数提供输入值23。
- A table that describes a logic function by listing all possible combinations of input values and indicating, for each combination, the true output values. 描述逻辑函数的一种表,表中列出输入值的全部可能组合,并列出与每种输入组合相对应的实际的输出值。
- The input value and format pattern string must both be present or an error will be thrown. 输入值和格式模式字符串必须同时存在,否则将出现错误。
- Succeeding at a job search is a mental process, and negative input from anywhere can poison your mental outlook and encourage fear, discouragement, anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions. 成功找到工作是一个脑力工作过程。发自任何地方的消极讯息都会毒害你的精神面貌,促生恐惧、气馁、焦虑、愤怒和其它负面情绪。
- Scalar functions operate against a single value, and return a single value based on the input value. 数量函数可以处理单个值,并基于该值返回。
- A single line containing the next runaround number higher than the input value, M. 仅仅一行,包括第一个比M大的循环数。
- Because many input rows can result only in one output row, the transformation copies only the first input value for the column. 因为有许多输入行只能产生一个输出行,所以转换只复制列的第一个输入值。
- If the input value cannot be coerced to a number by using the rules in the number() function, the format-number function returns NaN. 如果输入值无法使用number()函数中的规则强迫为数字,format-number函数将返回NaN。
- The following scalar functions perform an operation on a date and time input value and return a string, numeric, or date and time value. 以下标量函数对日期和时间输入值执行操作,并返回一个字符串、数字值或日期和时间值。
- Figure 6.48. Sequence Local is a data source, after it has been initialized; you cannot wire an input value (another source) to it. 图6.;48
- Boundary value: An input value or output value which is on the boundary between equivalence classes, or an incremental distance either side of the boundary. 边界值:位于两个等价类之间的输入或输出值,或者边界附近的值。
- Intel processors from the Pentium Pro onwards have a maximum CPUID input value of only 02h or 03h.The only exception is the Intel Pentium 4 with Hyper-Threading Technology (HTT). Intel的高能奔腾以后的CPU的CPUID数值不超过02H或03H,仅有的例外是具有超线程技术(HTT)的奔腾4。
- String functions that perform operations on string or hexadecimal input values and return a string or numeric value. 字符串函数,对字符串或十六进制输入值执行操作,并返回字符串或数值。
- I have a negative opinion on the value of this idea. 我对这个主意持反对意见。
- Input values outside the range are replaced by the lower bound replacement value, or the upper bound replacement value. 范围之外的输入值将由下界替换值或上界替换值进行替换。
- The answer to my request was in the negative. 对我的请求的答复是否定的。