- Acculturation strategies of assimilation and seperation not only influenced respectively and directedly negative ethnic identity and positive ethnic identity, they also influenced mental alienation. 同化与分离的文化适应策略不但可以分别直接影响消极的民族认同和积极的民族认同,它们还可以影响心理疏离感。
- negative ethnic identity 消极的种族身份
- Firstly, they are inseparable from our ethnic identity. 首先因为这些节日是跟自己的民族身份分不开的。
- Can we create a win-win situation whereby a gain in ethnic identity would strengthen and not weaken the national identity? 我们能否在加强族群认同时又不会削弱国家认同,创造出一个双赢局面?
- Is sub-national ethnic identity exclusive and divisive vis-a-vis national cohesiveness and national identity? 次于国家的族群认同是否一定会分裂国民团结,排斥国家认同呢?
- Can we create a win-win situation where by a gain in ethnic identity would strengthen and not weaken the national identity? 我们能否在加强族群认同时又不会削弱国家认同,创造出一个双赢局面?
- Meanwhile, his ethnic identity strengthened as he spent more time in the Chinese-speaking world. 同时,随着他在中文音乐里花了更多时间,他的民族身份就加强了。
- In this way, tourism helped the Cajuns preserve their cultural heritage and retain a separate ethnic identity. 这样,旅游帮助法裔路易斯安那人保留了他们的文化传统及其独立的人种特性。
- There existed more complicate relationships among ethnic identity, acculturation and mental alienation. 3.民族认同、文化适应与心理疏离感三者之间存在着复杂的关系。
- Liao, N. H. "Investigating Urban Sign Making as Ethnic Identity in Chicago." 2000. 研究在芝加哥做为种族识别的都市标志制造>,2000.
- Ethnic identity is one; the presence of a large pool of underemployed, testosterone-charged youths is another. 民族身份是其中之一;大群未充分就业而又荷尔蒙过剩的青年的存在是另一个。
- Is (sub-national) ethnic identity exclusive and divisive vis-a-vis national cohesiveness and national identity? (次于国家的)族群认同是否一定会分裂国民团结,排斥国家认同呢?
- Through interviewing the migrants from Nepal to Myanmar and Thailand, the author explores the interconnection between ethnic identity and migration. 摘要通过对缅甸、泰国的尼泊尔移民的田野调查,探讨了跨国人口流动中的族群认同问题。
- Or, can the strengthening of ethnic identity be at the same time inclusive, integrative, and additive to the larger national supra-ethnic Singapore identity? 族群认同是不是也能具有包容性,为超越族群的新加坡认同做出贡献,成为国家认同中的一部分?
- Under Roman rule, having no political independence, the Greeks, as a Kulturnation, preserved their ethnic identity through the eve of Christianization. 在罗马统治下,希腊人虽然丧失了政治独立,但仍作为一个“文化民族”将其传统的民族认同一直保持到基督教化前夕为止。
- Many Uighurs believe that, as the latest Amnesty briefing puts it, their ethnic identity is being "systematically eroded". 许多维吾尔族人相信,大赦国际也报道过,他们的民族身份正在被“有计划的侵蚀”。
- We can understand the isomorphous relationship among clan identity, ethnic identity and national identity from genealogies. 从族谱中,我们领悟到家族认同、民族认同与国家认同这三者之间的同构关系。
- So the main purpose of this essay is to analyze the shifting process of ethnic identity for the women who intermarried with Hokkien or Hakka people. 本文主要的目的,在探讨台湾女性在闽客通婚以后,女性会在不同情境改变族群认同的过程。
- These results could be explained by ethnic identity, nonlocal brands as status symbols in developing countries, and national stereotyping. 采用自我对本民族的认同感、外国品牌的社会象征,以及国家刻板印象来解释这些结果。
- She adapts herselfto the situation in which she finds a new self, for her presumed ethnic identity doesnot prevent her from reinventing herself. 她在新的环境中调整自我并发现一个全新的自我,与生俱来的种族身份并不能牵绊她重塑自我的脚步。