- The negative pressure loop should be noted. 应该注意到负压的腹点。
- This negative pressure phase is of short duration. 负压周期的延续时间很短。
- The Gating Design for Negative Pressure EPC. 负压消失模铸造原料磨衬板的浇注工艺设计
- Intrapleural pressure is usually negative pressure. 胸膜腔内压通常为负压。
- Operated at sealed negative pressure and designed by GMP. 密封负压操作,按gmp规范设计。
- Using negative pressure air pipe to ventilate for the being constructed tunnel. 使用负压风管对在建隧道进行通风换气。
- Negative pressure aspirator is necessary to every clinical sections. 负压吸引器是各个临床科室所必备的医疗设备。
- A vacuum pump creates negative pressure for correct operation of the filtrate recovery system. 真空泵产生的负压是保证滤液回收系统的正确运行。
- Gas Drainage of undischarged pressure hole at original coal seam is an indispensable link in coal mine production.The result of releasing gas depends on natural ventilated coefficient. 本煤层未卸压钻孔抽放,是煤矿生产系统中不可缺少的环节,由于煤层的天然透气系数不同,抽排瓦斯的效果也不同。
- Positive pressure and negative pressure combines together, making veneer more stable and durable. 正负压力结合,使贴面更牢固持久。
- Can ensure furnace negative pressure automatic and relative protection to normally running. 可确保炉膛负压自动及有关保护的正常投运。
- The negative pressure causes the acceleration of the Universe, as observed from the type Ia supernova observations. 负压强令宇宙膨胀不断加速,就有如从观测Ia型超新星所得出的结论一样。
- A reversal of normal flow in the system caused by a negative pressure (vacuum or partial vacuum) in the supply piping. 由供应管道内的负压力(真空或部分真空)产生的系统内正常流体的倒流。
- The vital signs of The beagles of the negative pressure suction group were stable, could not be observed transparent limb tic and total body reactions. 负压抽吸组犬术中生命体征较平稳,未发现明显的肢体抽动及全身反应。
- Under negative pressure, the Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide is absorbed through the fun-air in absorber (tower). 二氧化氯气体在负压下通过空气鼓吹到吸收塔吸收。
- A new type tee joint reversed valve, which was used in negative pressure bag filter with opposite blow, is reported. 本文介绍负压反吹风布袋除尘器中一种新型的三通换向阀.
- Suction style means the fan is situated behind the bag-house,which works at negative pressure. 吸入式风机位于除尘器之后,除尘器为负压工作。
- Other advantages of the propellent with a negative pressure exponent were also presented. 还指出了负压力指数推进剂的其它优点。
- Diseussion about the course during molding and easting of negative pressure dry-sand EPC has been expounded. 本文针对负压消失模铸造的造型与浇注过程中存在的问题进行了研究。
- When cut off the water supply, because of the negative pressure in feed pipe, siphonage arises more easily. 停水时,因为供水管中的负压,虹吸现象更易产生。