- The condition is serious; it will need surgery. 情况严重,需要马上动手术。
- Your condition is serious; you will need surgery. 你的病情很严重,需要动手术。
- Your condition is serious;you will need surgery. 你的病情很严重,需要动手术。
- Patients may need surgery to stop the infection from spreading. 为了控制病情,患者或需接受外科手术。
- Experts do not need surgery Drogba said: "no serious ligament tear. 专家透露德罗巴不需要手术:“韧带没有严重撕裂。”
- "I need surgery to make it better," he said. "Right after the season. “我需要一次手术让脚踝变的健康起来”,他说,“在这个赛季结束之后”。
- A-TOSIS is a unique apparatus,does not need surgery,just the shortest recovery period. TOSIS是一种独特的拉皮器具,不需要手术,只需最短的恢复期。
- The tycoon would not need surgery but could be kept in hospital for long as 48 hours, Zangrillo said. 桑格里洛称,这位大亨不需要进行手术治疗,但可能需要住院48小时。
- I'm alive and well, obviously, but I have a bum leg now, and the doctor is checking to see if I need surgery. 显然我现在还活得好好的,但是我腿可瘸了,而且医生正在检查我是否需要动手术。
- In most cases a torn labrum doesn't need surgery ... to the average person that is. 在大多数情况下,对于一般的人来说,肩部断裂并不需要进行手术。
- Houston Rockets All-Star center Yao Ming will have to wait up to a week before he knows whether he will need surgery on his broken left foot. 休斯顿火箭队的全明星中锋姚明要想知道是否需要通过手术来治愈自己的左脚骨折,必须还要再等一个星期。
- I knew that when I was out in practice I would inevitably err at one time or another and operate on someone who didn't need surgery or sit on someone who did. 我知道当我外出行医时,我会不可避免地在什么时候犯错,会给不需要手术的人手术,而耽搁需要手术的人。
- Do I need surgery? 我需要动手术吗?
- The likelihood that a patient would need surgery to relieve the sciatica was also the same for both groups, as was the intensity of any lingering pain they felt and the amount of painkillers they took. 两组病人需要通过外科手术治疗坐骨神经痛的可能性相同,持续疼痛的程度相同,服用的止痛药剂量也相同。
- "Freddie has broken two bones in his hand," said Wenger. "We have to see how it evolves and if he needs surgery or not. “永贝里两根手指骨折,我们会根据他的伤情来决定是否手术。”
- Then, too, Bryant has played the last few weeks with a torn ligament in his right pinkie that needs surgery. 接着,还有,科比在上几周带着他那本应该做手术的韧带撕裂的右小指坚持进行比赛。
- His rehab still ran longer than projected, his comeback failed and he finally needed surgery. 他的恢复仍然比预计的要晚,他的恢复失败了,最终接受手术。
- Humate-P proides a preentie therapy that can make needed surgery not only possible, but also safer. 作为预防措施,精制灭菌冻干人抗血友病因子不仅使必要的手术成为可能,也使其更安全。
- Matt Murray and Chris Weale suffered injuries and now contracted goalkeeper Craig Samson needs surgery to repair a groin problem. Matt Murray和Chris Weale都饱受伤病困扰,而现在合约门将Craig Samson又需要做个腹股沟手术。
- Methods 211 patients with aortic valvular disease, who needed surgery, were performed coronary artery angiography(CAG) before operation. 方法成人主动脉瓣疾病需行手术治疗病人211例,根据病情均在术前行冠状动脉造影,分析临床资料及造影结果。