- They were allowed two days for making the necessary preparation. 为了做必要的准备允许他们两天的时间。
- Two days were allowed them for making the necessary preparation. 有两天时间给他们做必要的准备。
- Quantitative change is the necessary preparation for qualitative change. 量变是质变的必要准备。
- Better tell them sooner so that they may have enough time to make the necessary preparations. 最好早点告诉他们,这样他们就可以有充分时间作好必要的准备。
- You will think if people are about to come to the meeting,they will make the necessary preparation beforehand. 你会认为如果人们要来开会,他们应该事先做必要的准备。
- You will think if people are going to come to the meeting,they will make the necessary preparation beforehand. 你会认为如果人们要来开会,他们应该事先做必要的准备。
- You will think if people come to the meeting,they will make the necessary preparation beforehand. 你会认为如果人们要来开会,他们应该事先做必要的准备。
- Two days wee allowed them for making the necessary preparations. 给了他们两天的时间来作必要的准备工作。
- You will think if people are going to come to the meeting, they will make the necessary preparation beforehand. 你会认为如果人们要来开会,他们应该事先做必要的准备。
- The democratic revolution is the necessary preparation for the socialist revolution,and the socialist revolution is the inevitable sequel to the democratic revolution. 民主主义革命是社会主义革命的必要准备,社会主义革命是民主主义革命的必然趋势。
- The democratic revolution is the necessary preparation for the socialist revolution, and the socialist revolution is the inevitable sequel to the democratic revolution. 民主主义革命是社会主义革命的必要准备,社会主义革命是民主主义革命的必然趋势。
- However, the absolute disregard for these courses in school and the overemphasis on English classes hinders (妨碍)students' truly necessary preparation(准备) for the future. 可鉴,忽视数学和科学,过分强调英文妨碍了学生的为未来做好充分的准备。
- Please cable the date of your arrival,enabling us to make the necessary preparations. 希电告到达日期,以便我们事前做好准备工作。
- Please cable the date of your arrival, enabling us to make the necessary preparations. 希电告到达日期,以便我们事前做好准备工作。
- The invaders were repelled by the army and people of Guangdong, where Lin Zexu had made necessary preparations. 林则徐带领当地军民做了充分的准备,在广东痛击了侵略者。
- Now,the Chinese government has already com-pleted the necessary preparations and formally submitted the Treaty to the NPC for review and ratification. 目前,中国政府已完成了必要的准备工作,并已将条约正式提交全国人民代表大会审议批准。
- Now, the Chinese government has already com-pleted the necessary preparations and formally submitted the Treaty to the NPC for review and ratification. 目前,中国政府已完成了必要的准备工作,并已将条约正式提交全国人民代表大会审议批准。
- Now, with the guidance of technical specialists, he has reconstructed the pigsty, increased the number of nursing boxes and made other necessary preparations. 现在,他已经在技术人员的指导下,对猪舍进行了改建,增加了仔猪保育箱,并做好了相应的准备工作。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- Residents are requested to note that their rooftop water tanks will be cleaned this Saturday. The cleaning work will last from 8:00 a.m. to about 11:30 a.m.. It is hoped that people make necessary preparations for the period of water supply cut. 兹定于星期六上午8时起至中午11时半左右清洗屋顶水箱,谨请注意。希望居民作好临时断水准备。