- Help stabilize your cash reserves if needed. 帮助您稳定您的现金储备。
- M1 includes M0, demand deposits, and cash reserves. M1包含量M0,还有活期存款和现金储备。
- Governments' cash reserves, for one, are heftier. 比如,政府的现金储备比较雄厚。
- If the run persisted, cash reserves would be exhausted. 如果挤兑持续下去,现金储备就将枯竭。
- Not having a sufficient cash reserve? 没有足够的现金储备?
- Cash reserves can be used up in the blink of an eye when in the company of lawyers. 和律师呆在一起,钱眨眼就没了。
- They have called on managers to use large cash reserves to increase dividends or buy back shares. 他们已经号召管理者用大量的现金储备来增加股息或者买回股份。
- Soft-focus accounting rules and chummy banks have enabled managers to build up hidden cash reserves. 漏洞百出的会计制度和私交甚密的银行使得经理们可以建立私藏的金库。
- Then I challenged the Taiwanese to reduce trade barriers and invest more of their huge cash reserves in America. 然后,我督促台湾地区人民降低贸易壁垒,把他们庞大的现金储备更多地投资到美国。
- We'll assume that you have sorted out the basics----like mortgages, pensions, insurance and access to sufficient cash reserves. 我们假定你已把基本情况弄清楚了,如抵押贷款、养老金、保险金和动用现金储备的机会。
- It's also a good idea to look into a Medigap policy and to have cash reserves to pay for the items that insurance may not cover. 查看医疗保险断档保险保单和拥有现金储备以支付保险不涵盖的项目也是一个好主意。
- The company is forced to fall back on its cash reserve. 这个公司被迫动用它自己的现金储备。
- The company is trying to plug the drain on cash reserve. 公司在设计阻止现金储备外流。
- Back then, he said, China and other Asian countries lacked huge cash reserves that could buttress them in the event of recession. 他说,过去,中国和其他亚洲国家缺乏巨额现金储备以应对经济衰退。
- Never overspend your cash reservation when you are signing. 签署支付的款项时,千万不要超过盈余得现金储备。
- To reinforce their cash reserves, banks keep another sizeable chunk of their money in assets which can be quickly turned back into money with little risk of loss. 为了增补现金储备,银行以资产的形式保存另外很大一部分资金;这些资产可以迅速转变成现金,没有什么损失风险。
- EXAMPLE: Starting the new project proved to be more expensive than we planned, so we maxed out our cash reserves quickly and needed to seek additional financing. 启动这项新项目的花费比我们计划的要高,因此我们很快就花光了现金,必须再去融资。
- Polaroid said it has ample cash reserves to finance the reorganisation under Chapter 11, which protects a company from its creditors while it restructures under court supervision. 宝丽说,有足够的现金储备,以资助下重组第11章,保护公司的债权人重组而法院的监督下。
- Most generally and most commonly, but not necessarily uniformly, M0 refers to outstanding currency (banknotes and coins) in circulation, but excluding cash reserves. 从最平常和最普遍而不必要硬要一致的角度而言,M0就是流通中的基本通货(如支票和硬币),但排除现金储备。
- High commodity prices have hit many Japanese manufacturers, but Satoru Ogasawara, economist at CSFB, said companies would still be able to boost their capital spending because of large cash reserves. 大宗商品价格高企对许多日本制造商产生了冲击,但瑞士信贷第一波士顿称,由于拥有大量现金储备,企业仍有能力扩大资本支出。