- nd sampler 采砂器
- Soil is sampled with a core sampler. 土壤的采样使用芯形采样器。
- A nd give us strength to help those in need. 给我们坚强去帮助那些需要的.
- Nd... oh, it's too complicated to explain! 他已经跟她结了婚,可她又爱上他姐夫,而且...哎,太乱了,说不清。
- Sampler:The sample chamber is defined by sustomer. 取样器的取样盒尺寸由用户决定。
- Our team had a hot streak going in the2 nd quarter. 我们队在第2节的(球)赛中状态不错。
- It's upstairs. It's on the 2 nd floor. 在楼上,在二楼。
- diversifiable 能多样化的,能复杂化的
- Let's. nd a buffet with moderate prices. 我们找一家价格适中的自助式餐馆。
- There was a hold-up at the bank over on nd street. 在第二大街的银行里发生了一起抢劫案。
- They know their own business inside a nd out. 他们知道自己的企业内进行。
- Nd: YAG laser used in cutting, marking and welding. 钕:钇铝石榴石激光器,用于切割、标记和焊接。
- If we all agree,let's...nd up the discussion. 要是大家都同意的话;咱们这次讨论就到此结束.
- R : It means that I must finish it by June 22 nd. (这就是说我必须在6月22日完成它。)
- I can tap it over the net with a backha nd shot. 我可以用反手拍打击将打过网。
- Is it stfll a nd direct ba yer idkwzo trade? 这还算是一种直接的易货贸易吗?
- Do you want to have Tian'anmen in the back grou nd. 要用天安门作背景吗。
- A depth sampler is strapped to the running board of the helicopter. 把深水取样器固定在直升机的试验台上。
- Class::DBI prizes lazinesss nd simplicity. DBI奖励懒惰和简单。
- The Debye temperature of Nd:GGG is 711K. 计算得到晶体的德拜温度为711K.