- To co-operate with and participate in regional and international efforts in nature conservation. 配合和参与区域及国际自然保育工作。
- His portfolio covers environmental protection, nature conservation, energy and sustainable development. 邱先生的职责范畴包括环境保护、自然保育、能源及可持续发展。
- The Panel discussed the paper on the pilot scheme for management agreements under the New Nature Conservation Policy. 事务委员会讨论有关新自然保育政策下的管理协议试验计划。
- Government announced the pilot nature conservation management agreement projects approved. 政府公布自然保育管理协议试验项目获批。
- Hon Daniel LAM raised a question on pilot schemes under the new nature conservation policy. 林伟强议员就新自然保育政策下的试验计划提出质询。
- The Centre, renovated in 1996, further promotes nature conservation among visitors with interactive display facilities. 中心于1996年进行内部装修,增设互动展览设施,加强推广自然保育的信息。
- From Ecotourism to Sustainable Tourism: Why Nature Conservation Depends on Tourists rather than Ecotourists? 从生态旅游到可持续旅游:自然保护依赖于旅游者而不是生态者?
- Establish policy objectives and strategies, which genuinely accord priority to nature conservation. 制定明确的政策和策略,以确实促进环境保育为优先考虑。
- We use palm wood material and metal recyclables as base materials. Part of profits are for nature conservation. 我们使用棕榈油木材材料和金属回收为基础材料。部分利润用于自然保护。
- The geographical distribution and floristic features of the orchids in the Wolong Nature Conservation Area. 四川卧龙自然保护区兰科植物的地理分布和区系特点.
- American national parks represent one of the finest examples of nature conservation in the world. 美国的国家公园代表了世界上自然保护的最佳典范之一,
- In your discussion explore what each of the themes of Tibetan Buddhism has to do with nature conservation and sustainable development. 在您的讨论当中,探讨每一个藏传佛教主题与自然保护、与可持续发展的关联菩萨心界。
- HSBC, one of the worlds largest financial services organizations, has a long history in supporting nature conservation all over the world. 汇丰为全球最大的金融服务机构之一,多年来广泛支援世界各地的自然保育工作。
- Dr Liao has also launched a new comprehensive policy on nature conservation and public consultation on stage II of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme. 此外,廖博士亦推出了全面的新自然保育政策,并就净化海港计划第二期谘询公众。
- The Review also lacks of action plans for setting clear objectives to achieve both short and long-term nature conservation policies. 由于是次检讨缺乏行动方案,故无法立下明确目标,以制订短期与长期的自然保育政策。
- The Pendletons are naturally conservative. 彭德尔顿家的人一向保守。
- We would like to suggest options for the Government to consider on the subsequent stages of the Review of Nature Conservation Policy. 对于政府就香港自然保育政策进行公众谘询,自然基金表示欢迎。
- Exhibition panels from AFCD on nature conservation and EPD on source separation of domestic waste were also displayed at the venue. 此外,渔农自然护理署及环保署亦分别展出以自然保育与家居废物源头分类计划为主题的展板。
- Announce the results of applications received under the Pilot Scheme for Public-Private Partnership to promote nature conservation. 公布公私营界别合作试验计划申请的审批结果,促进自然保育。
- Daqing Longfeng Marsh Nature Conservation Area locate in the hinterland of Songnen plain,it is representative bulrush marsh. 大庆龙凤湿地自然保护区处于松嫩平原腹地,为典型的芦苇沼泽湿地。