- In the process of nature aesthetic education, three are three functional bourns: to please oneself, to get civilized by affection, to digest philosophy. 摘要在自然美育过程中,自然美育存在着悦乐忘身、爱心泛化、哲理领悟等三个层次的功能境界。
- The first chapter analyzes the times background and the influence of Darwin’s evolution, Hegel’s methodology, Santayana’s naturalism aesthetics, James’ psychology on Dewey’s aesthetic education. 论文第一章分析了杜威美育思想产生的时代背景及达尔文的进化论美学、黑格尔的方法论、桑塔耶纳的自然主义美学、詹姆士的心理学理论等对杜威美育思想的影响。
- nature aesthetic education 自然美育
- Roles of aesthetic education in P.E. 审美教育在体育教学中的地位不容忽视。
- Aesthetic education in college P.E. 高校体育教学中的美学教育。
- Study on the Aesthetic Education in Colleges P. E. 高校体育教学中的美学教育探析。
- Aesthetic Education can promote productivity. 摘要美育有助于提高生产力。
- The aesthetic education should be dl one in the Chinese teaching for its subject nature and aesthetic value. 摘要在语文教学中进行审美教育是由大学语文的学科性质及其本身所具有的审美价值决定的。
- Strengthening Aesthetic Education in University P.E. 加强大学生体育美育教育的思考。
- As the pioneer of aesthetic education in China,Cai Yuanpei has brilliant exposition on the nature,significance,content, methods and principles of aesthetic education. 蔡元培先生作为美育的积极倡导者和实践者,对美育的本质、意义、功能、内容、方法、原则等都有精辟的论述。
- The education without aesthetic education is not the education of the times. 46没有美育的教育不是时代的教育。
- Reimer’s concept of art is the foundation of his idea of aesthetic education. 在这样的艺术观的支撑下,才有了雷默的审美教育思想。
- As an educator, he put the aesthetic education theory into practice. 作为教育家,他身体力行,将审美教育思想融入到自己的教育实践中。
- In his works. Piao Bin with his modernism attitude unites natural aesthetic conceptions with form and color, etc. 朴滨的作品将一种以现代主义态度拥抱自然的审美观与形式、色彩等结合起来。
- The blank in the text is the best materials for the literature aesthetic education . 文本的空白是文学审美教育的最佳材料。
- Natural aesthetic is the core of Chinese aesthetics. 自然审美是中国古代美学的核心。
- Currently, aesthetic education is not given sufficient emphasis in colleges and universities. 当前,美育教育在整个高校的教育工作中,仍处于相对薄弱的地位。
- It is practical to melt the aesthetic education into schools, families, and society. 将美育真正融入学校、家庭、社会,全面提升学生素质是切实可行的。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The second part of this paper mainly discussed Lhe aesthetic education of watercolor. 文章的第二部分主要论述的是水彩艺术的审美与教学。