- Acuna J A, Iraj E,Yortsos Y C.Practical application of fractal pressure transient analysis of naturally fractured reservoirs[C].SPE 24705. 陈伟.;煤层气有限导流压裂井的压力动态分析[J]
- After analyzing 8 layers test data in 6 wells,we get the reservoir parameters of the nature fractured reservoir and the composite reservoir and the main fracture direction in this region. 经对该区 6口井 8层试井资料分析 ,得到裂缝型油藏 (包括宽而长的裂缝型油藏、压裂后形成长裂缝型油藏 )及复合型油藏参数 ,并确定了该区的主裂缝。
- Productivity evaluation and modeling of perforated well in naturally fractured reservoir using finite element method 裂缝性油藏射孔完井产能的有限元分析
- naturally fractured reservoir 裂缝性气藏
- Experimental study on propagation mechanism of hydraulic fracture in naturally fractured reservoir 裂缝性储层水力裂缝扩展机理试验研究
- After-closure analysis for naturally fractured reservoirs: A field validation 天然裂缝型油层的后闭合分析:油田的有效研究
- The fractured reservoir is the basic passageway of oil and gas. 裂隙发育带是油气运移的基本通道之一。
- Pressure Transient Analysis for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs with Stress Sensitivity 应力敏感裂缝性油藏不稳态压力动态分析
- The Alternating Direction Finite Element Method and Analysis for Two Phase Incompressible Flow in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs 裂缝孔隙介质中二相驱动问题的交替方向有限元方法及理论分析
- Study and application of pressure transient of naturally fractured reservoirs with stress-sensitive and start pressure grade 带启动压力梯度的双孔压敏介质压力动态及其应用研究
- Specific temperature logs for :” Naturally fractured reservoirs ” Frac job quality control ” Completion diagnosis ” Gas lift valve control 特定的温度曲线:自然裂隙性油层;裂缝作业质量控制;完井诊断;气举阀控制
- Laboratory experiment of dry gas injection in super low-permeability carbonate fractured reservoir. 裂缝性特低渗碳酸盐岩油藏注烃类气驱油室内实验研究。
- Technique for prediction of dolomite fractured reservoir has been quite urgent for petroleum exploration and development in Biyang sag. 摘要白云岩裂缝型储集层预测技术是目前在勘探开发中迫切需要解决的问题。
- Combination of Fractured Reservoir and Cap Rock and Accumulation Relationship of Oil and Gas in YiNan Area. 依南地区裂缝型储盖组合与油气聚集关系测井评价
- Meanwhile,the mechanism of MMH drilling fluid protecting fractured reservoir is analysed. 文中还对MMH正电胶钻井液保护裂缝性储层的机理进行了分析。
- Dolomite reservoir is low porosity-low permeability fractured reservoir, and its diagenesis is mainly dolomitisation. 白云岩储层的成岩作用主要为白云岩化作用,为裂缝性低孔中低渗储层;
- GURPINAR O,KALBUS J,LIST D F.Numerical modeling of a large,naturally fractured oil complex[R].SPE 59061,2000. 聂立新黄炳家.;各向异性天然裂缝油藏裂缝方位的确定[J]
- naturally fractured reservoirs 裂缝性油藏
- Shielding temporary plugging technique is the most effective technique for the fractured reservoir proctection in Qingxi area of Yumeng oilfield. 对玉门油田青西地区裂缝性储层的保护方法,最有效的技术手段就是利用屏蔽暂堵技术。
- A mathematical model of fractured reservoir with intersecting faults is established using pressure superposition principle. 利用压力叠加原理,建立了裂缝性油藏交叉断层条件下的数学模型,得到现场适用的拉普拉斯空间解。