- natural quartz crystal 天然石英晶体
- Imaginary spar, pure natural quartz. 幻晶石,纯天然的水晶。
- In 1968, prototype quartz crystal watches were introduced. 1968年推出样机石英手表.
- The quartz crystal didn't vibrate until the voltage was applied. 直到电压加上去以后石英晶体才开始振荡。
- Watches with quartz crystal movements never have to be wound. 装有石英晶体机蕊的手表毋需上发条。
- Quartz crystal is perfectly crystallized. 石英晶体是完美的结晶。
- Today, quartz crystal clocks are generally used on the seismograph stations. 目前,地震台站一般采用石英晶体钟。
- Research on principles and properties of a quartz crystal viscosity sensor. 石英晶体粘度传感器原理及特性研究。
- "The Crystal Resonator".A subharmonic of the frequency of quartz crystal. “水晶共振”次谐波频率的石英水晶。
- Quartz crystal resonators are devices that supply standard time base. 石英晶体谐振器是一种提供基准时基的器件。
- So the research of producing the high pure quartz with the silica mineral substitutes for natural quartz is imminent. 本文综述了国内外硅石矿物原料替代天然水晶生产高纯石英砂的研究现状;
- The clear glass stem of this wand has a natural Quartz Point and a hematite stone, with hematite beads for further grounding. 权杖的透明玻璃主干上有一个天然水晶柱和赤铁矿石,透过赤铁矿珠作更深一层的基础训练。
- Quartz crystals are seldom used in such handsets. 石英晶体是很少使用这种手机。
- The natural quartz sand resource abound in the north part of Jiangsu Province which is large in scal, shallow in buried and easy to mining. 苏北天然石英砂资源十分丰富,沉积类型独特,规模较大、埋藏浅、易开采。
- The ADC aperture jitter must be minimal, and the sampling clock generated from a low phase-noise quartz crystal oscillator. ADC的孔径抖动必需尽可能的小,而且要使用低相位噪声的石英晶体振荡器作为采样时钟发生器。
- The quartz crystal in the watch is made to vibrate at a frequency of 56,000 times a second. 使钟表里的石英晶体以每秒56,000次的频率振荡。
- These clocks depend on electricity and the vibrations of the atoms of a quartz crystal, and are very complicated. 这些钟靠电和石英晶体的原子振荡走时,是十分复杂的。
- The popular oscillator design which uses a resistor, one or more logic gates, a quartz crystal, and a couple of capacitors should never be used! 一般振荡器设计都用一个电阻、一个或几个逻辑门、一个晶体、两个电容,在这里绝对不能用。
- This factory founded in 1997, was "the nation epoxy resin application technology academic society" the member, the specialty is engaged in the natural quartz the smashing processing development and the use. 本厂创建于1997年,是“全国环氧树脂应用技术学会”会员,专业从事天然石英的粉碎加工开发和利用。
- It looks like quartz crystals sticking up out of the dark hollow. 它象石英晶体,在黑色的空间耸立着。