- As a natural organic material, the bamboo forest is different from 10-50 years to mature slower rate, the 3-4 years can become useful, and a bamboo can be a breeding Hsinchu 200. 作为一种天然的有机材料,竹子不同于一般木林10至50年方能成材的慢速率,其3至4年便可成材,且一根竹子便能繁殖出200株新竹。
- We are burning a "fossil", and we can refer in the same way to all natural organic materials, ranging from coal to oil and gas, including oil shales, tar sands, and other geological formation, as fossil fuels. 我们是在燃烧“化石”。我们可以用同样的方式将所有的自然有机物质称作化石燃料,它们包括煤、石油、天然气、焦油砂及其它地质有机建造。
- Advances in the study of adsorption of natural organic material on minerals and its environmental effects 天然有机质与矿物间的吸附及其环境效应的研究进展
- It reacts explosively with organic material. 它与有机材料发生强烈反应。
- natural organic material 天然有机质
- Breakdown or decay of organic materials. 腐烂; 分解指有机物的分解或腐败
- Fungi also play a central role in degrading organic material. 在降解有机材料方面真菌同样有很重要的作用。
- Hangzhou Nature Organic Chemicals Co., Ltd. 杭州大自然有机化工实业有限公司。
- Obtaining nourishment by the ingestion of organic material, as animals do. 全动物营养的像动物一样摄取有机物而获得营养
- The modified gelatin binder is a natural organic macromolecular material modified by esterification and graft copolymeri zation of the protein derivative obtained from partially hydrolyzing the collage n. 改性动物胶砂芯粘结剂系一种胶原简单水解的蛋白质衍生物,并经酯化和接枝共聚等改性合成无毒、污染的天然有机高分子化合物。
- The majority of bacteria derive their nourishment from organic material. 大多数的细胞从有机物里摄取其营养。
- Obtaining nourishment by the ingestion of organic material,as animals do. 全动物营养的像动物一样摄取有机物而获得营养
- The Brief Analysis of Marketing : The natural organic food-stuff is needed abundantly and the market foreground is vastitude. 市场简要分析:天然有机食品,市场需求大,市场前景看好。
- Uncharged soluble organic materials can not carry a current. 不带电荷的可溶有机物不能传导电流。
- The application of the natural organic acid to the vesicant and thickener in the cosmetic industry is studied. 研究了天然果酸成分在化妆品生产上发泡和增稠体系中的应用.
- Any of various fungi that form a superficial, usually whitish growth on plants and various organic materials. 霉,霉菌通常在植物或多种有机物表面形成白色生长物的菌类中的一种
- What is perhaps worse, most organic materials are perishable. 可能更糟的是,多数有机物质会腐烂。
- Methods Three-dimensional determination for four natural organic compound samples by using single crystal X-ray diffraction. 方法应用单晶X射线衍射分析方法对4个天然有机化合物样品进行三维结构测定。
- Since then, organic materials ranging from Egyptian mummy hair to Stone Age sandals have been dated. 自那时起,从埃及的木乃伊头发到石器时代的檀香木等有机物质的年代都已被确定。
- The cembrene is a natural organic compound. A colowless needle crystal was obtained by extraction and separation, from red pine tree. 松柏烯是从红松树中提取和分离出来的一种天然有机物。