- Instead of, or along with, a key or natural join, you can specify a join using an explicit join condition. 您可以单独使用显式连接条件而不用键连接或自然连接,也可以与键连接或自然连接一起使用。
- A generated join condition is a join condition that is automatically created when you specify KEY JOIN or NATURAL JOIN. 生成的连接条件是您指定KEY JOIN或NATURAL JOIN时自动创建的连接条件。
- For example, you can join the employee and department tables using a natural join because they have a column name in common, the dept_id column. 例如,您可以使用自然连接来连接employee表和department表,因为这两个表具有一个共同的列名称:dept_id列。
- For this to work in a natural join of base tables, there must be at least one pair of columns with the same name, with one column from each table. 因此,要使用基表的自然连接,必须至少有一对具有相同名称的列,每个表一列。
- When you specify a NATURAL JOIN and put a join condition in an ON phrase, the result is the conjunction of the two join conditions. 在您指定了NATURAL JOIN并将连接条件放置于ON短语后,结果是两个连接条件的联合。
- When you specify a natural join, Adaptive Server Anywhere generates a join condition based on columns with the same name. 在您指定自然连接时,Adaptive Server Anywhere基于具有相同名称的列生成连接条件。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
- Events took their natural course. 事态依自然进程发展。
- She has a natural wave in her hair. 她的头发自然卷曲。
- Magnetism is a natural phenomenon. 磁力是一种自然现象。
- It is difficult to be natural when one is tense. 人在紧张的时候很难泰然自若。
- The egoism of an artist sometimes seem natural. 艺术家的自负有时看起来是自然的。
- They used only natural pigments to dye the wool. 他们只用天然颜料染毛织品。
- Children are natural exhibitionists. 儿童天生喜欢自我表现。
- Everything we used was made from natural materials. 我们所用的一切都是由天然材料做成的。
- It's quite natural that you should succeed. 你的成功是很自然的事情。
- He's a natural for the role of Lear. 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选。