- Veneer - not from intact natural forests. 实木贴面:非出自天然原始森林。
- Solid wood - not from intact natural forests. 实木,非原始天然林木材。
- Layer-glued wood - not from intact natural forests. 胶合木板-非原始天然林木材。
- Plywood - not from intact natural forests. 胶合板-非原始天然林木材。
- It aims to rehabilitate and develop natural forests. 主要解决天然林的休养生息和恢复发展问题。
- Since the 1980s,China has exercised cutting quotas in natural forests. 从80年代开始对天然林限额采伐。
- Since the 1980s, China has exercised cutting quotas in natural forests. 从80年代开始对天然林限额采伐。
- Management Rules of Natural Forest Protection Project,2001,SFA. 天然林资源保护工程管理办法;2001;国家林业局.
- Good results were achieved in projects for reforesting formerly cultivated land and protecting natural forests. 退耕还林和天然林保护工程建设取得成效。
- Fourth, gradually shifting emphasis from felling natural forests to logging in plantations. 四是由采伐天然林为主逐步向采伐人工林为主的转变。
- Natural forests had been taken as the most important base of timber production in China. 天然林一直是中国最主要的木材生产基地。
- Conservation and sustainable management technology for natural forests in Yunnan Province. 云南天然林保护与可持续经营技术研究。
- Castanopsis this piece of natural forests have been 200 years of history, the average height 26 meters. 这片天然栲树林已有200多年历史,平均树高26米。
- Located on the hillside of Mount Pelion, the Valis hotel provides an ideal base for visiting its large natural forests. 这间气氛浓郁的酒店拥有整齐、舒适和当代风格的装饰,内饰淡雅并且充满了家一般的氛围。
- Action to reduce deforestation: The loss of natural forests around the world contributes more to global emissions each year than the transport sector. 采取行动减少森林砍伐:每年,世界各地天然森林的损失对气候造成的影响超过了交通运输业的排放。
- Surrounded by lush greenery, Clear Water Bay Knoll reflects the beauty and harmony of the natural forest. 都市繁嚣中,随时寻得更珍贵的时间和空间。
- The deterioration of the environment, China's low stock of natural forests, bamboo resources is a very valuable natural green materials. 对于环境恶化、天然林存量甚低的中国来说,竹资源无疑是非常宝贵的天然绿色材料。
- The park is endowed with dense natural forests, murmuring streams, luxuriantly green bamboos, and crisscross with ancient paths. 此森林公园得天独厚,拥有者大自然赋予的茂密的森林。
- It also plans to restore natural forests,grasslands and other key habitats in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze to reduce soil erosion and soil sweeping into the river. 它还计划恢复长江中、上游的自然森林、草原和其他主要生境,以减少土壤流失和流入长江的泥土。
- We launched projects to protect the natural forests in major forest areas and along the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. 在重点林区和长江、黄河上中游开展了天然林保护工程,在生态脆弱地区有步骤地开展了大规模退耕还林还草。