- Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule. 聚合物许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子
- Compared with natural and synthetic materials,the bio-mineralization material has a special structure and well ordered. 生物矿化材料是由生命系统参与合成的天然生物陶瓷和生物高分子复合材料。
- "Spandex fibres are highly elastic and have replaced natural and synthetic rubBer fibres for many textile purposes. 斯潘德克斯合成纤维具有良好的弹性,在纺织业中已大量取代天然和合成的弹性纤维。
- Ecotoxicology is a multidisciplinary field of study that deals with the environmental effects of natural and synthetic chemicals in the biosphere. 本课程为生态学专业选修课,讲授的主要内容包括:生态毒理学的基本概念、研究对象、内容;
- Jontec Granite Care contains water based natural and synthetic waxes to protect marble and granite from high traffic with keeping surface gloss level. 含有天然及合成蜡万分的水质,用于保养大流量地区的大理石和花岗岩,使其表面不易磨损,回复理想的光亮度,使用简单、快捷。
- Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units,each a relatively light and simple molecule. 聚合物许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子。
- The mill can be used break waste rubber products.It can also be used to break natural and synthetic rubber block in the medium-sized or small rubber products factories. 本机可破碎废旧橡胶制品,亦可供中小型橡胶制品厂对天然合成生胶块作破碎作业。
- DPG is a middle-speed accelerator, suitable for natural and synthetic rubber, and also can be used as activator for kinds of thiazole, thiuram and sulfenamide. 用作天然橡胶和合成橡胶的中速促进剂,也作为噻唑类、秋兰姆类及次磺酰胺类促进剂的活化剂。
- The field of neuropsychopharmacology involves the evaluation of the effects of natural and synthetic compounds upon the brain, mind, and human behavior. 神经心理药学领域牵涉到自然和合成化合物在脑、心智、人类行为上的评估。
- It has partially explained the chemistry of an bisoactive naphthoquinone. (3) Studies on the inhibition of enzyme activity by the natural and synthetic naphthoquinones. 通过对反应产物的系统研究,指出主要的反应类型包括互变异构化、还原烷基化、共轭加成以及自氧化等。
- Natural and synthetic estrogens, mainly manure-borne, seriously threaten man's survival because of their high estrogenic activity as well as big production. 环境中由粪源产生的雌激素,由于其活性高、产生量大而对人类的生存和健康产生严重威胁。
- An addictive drug,such as opium,that reduces pain,alters mood and behavior,and usually induces sleep or stupor. Natural and synthetic narcotics are used in medicine to control pain. 麻醉剂,一种能使人上瘾的药剂,如鸦片,能够减轻疼痛,改变心情和行为,通常导致沉睡或麻木。天然和合成的麻醉剂用于医药止痛。
- Any of a large number of natural and synthetic materials,including manure and nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium compounds,spread on or worked into soil to increase its capacity to support plant growth. 肥料包括烘肥以及氮、磷和钾化合物等任何大量的自然或合成原料,撒于土壤上或翻入土壤中以增加其供给植物生长的能力
- Every time a grocery clerk asks, "Paper or plastic?", the great debate between old and new, natural and synthetic, biodegradable and not, silently unfolds in a shopper's breast in the instant it takes to decide on the answer. 每当杂货店售货员问“要纸还是要塑料?”时,新旧观念、天然的还是合成的、能否进行生物分解等等问题就悄悄地在购物者考虑答案的瞬间,在他的心中展开争论了。
- Any of a large number of natural and synthetic materials, including manure and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds, spread on or worked into soil to increase its capacity to support plant growth. 肥料包括烘肥以及氮、磷和钾化合物等任何大量的自然或合成原料,撒于土壤上或翻入土壤中以增加其供给植物生长的能力
- In solvent extraction in the manufac ure of numerous natural and synthetic products such as antibiotics,hormones and vitamins.As a chemical intermediate in the production of plasticisers,flotation agents etc. 以溶剂萃取法生产抗生素;荷尔蒙及维生素等产品时所用之溶剂.;作为制造增塑剂;浮选剂等之中间体
- An addictive drug, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior, and usually induces sleep or stupor. Natural and synthetic narcotics are used in medicine to control pain. 麻醉剂一种能使人上瘾的药剂,如鸦片,能够减轻疼痛,改变心情和行为,通常导致沉睡或麻木。天然和合成的麻醉剂用于医药止痛
- Tourmalines from Russian and American deposits, natural and synthetic rubies, blue beryls and apatites were measured.For all studied minerals the best orientation of faceting is recommended. 主要测定了产于俄罗斯和美国的电气石、天然和合成的红宝石、蓝色绿柱石及磷灰石。
- HAIXUN rail pads are made from a variety of both natural and synthetic elastomers to meet the precise demands of the operating environment from high-speed track to maintenance bays. HAIXUN的铁路垫板是由天然橡胶和人造橡胶制成的以满足从高速轨道到维护的需要。
- In chapter 2, the gas chromatographic separation condition of several natural and synthetic estrogens was optimized.SPE as a pretreatment method, the estrogens in river water were determined. 第二章研究了几种天然与合成雌激素的气相色谱分离,采用固相萃取法处理样品测定了护城河水中雌激素的含量情况。