- Are you a native speaker of English? 你的母语是英语吗?
- Maybe you could make friends with a native speaker of English. 也许你可以和说英语的人交朋友。
- They are native speakers of English. 他们的母语是英文。
- Many native speakers of English believe in Jesus. 许多母语为英语的人相信上帝。
- I want a teacher who is a native speaker of English. 我希望我的老师是以英语为母语的。
- We can never see eye-to-eye with a native speaker of English until we have learned to look directly into his eyes. 在我们学会直接洞察其他人的想法之前,我们永远不会同一个以英语为母语的人拥有完全一致的看法。
- At CMU we look at the Verbal GRE score only when the applicant is not a native speaker of English. 这句话的意思是不是:如果我不是母语为英语的,他们便很看重或者比较看重。
- Do native speakers of English need to satisfy this requirement? 以英文为母语的人也需要考英文能力测验吗?
- In this website, u can find conversations on a variety of topics read out by native speakers of English. 在这网站里;你可找到不同主题的对话;由以英语为母语的人念出.
- How can native speakers of English make themselves more comprehensible and more likeable? 在国际商界,针对母语人士英语复杂性的不满普遍存在。
- Are you a native speaker of Dutch? 出生地的;本地的?
- These studies used a native norming group of 775 native speakers of English, from the U.S. and the U. 这些研究使用了包括775位本地英语人士的标准测试人群,他们来自美国和英国;
- We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English. 与以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们可以学到很多东西。
- Logically and rhetorically, I think this is such a poor sentence as will surely make native speakers of English laugh up their sleeves. 无论是从逻辑上还是从修辞上,这句话都应是病句。
- The sentences are relatively simple in structure and vocabulary, and they can be read easily and in a fluent manner by literate native speakers of English. 这些句子无论在句子结构上、还是在词汇方面都是简单的,它们能被受过教育的英语本地人士很轻松、流利地念出来。
- the general vocabulary of an educated native speaker of English. 一位受过教育的本地讲英语者的总词汇。
- Are you a natie speaker of English? 你的母语是英语吗?
- a native speaker of English, an English native speaker 以英语为母语的人
- But where jurors are neither native speakers of English nor indigenous to the American judicial culture, courts need to try harder to help Joe Juror play his role as citizen adjudicator. 但在陪审员的母语不是英语、也并非在美国司法文化中长大的情况下,法庭就需要花更大的力气,帮助陪审员担负起公民陪审员的职责。
- Language: Native speaker of Mandarin, fluent in spoken and written English. 语言能力:英语书面和口语流利。