- The basic goals of U. S. national security policy remain essentially unchanged. 美国国家安全政策的基本目标在实质上仍然没有改变。
- The end of the Cold War also required a thorough rethinking of American national security policy. 在冷战结束后;还需要彻底反思美国的国家安全政策.
- "A new national army would be formed after army integration and it would be done on the basis of a new national security policy. 塔帕部长说,“在军队合并后将成立一支新的国家军队,但这将建立在新的国家安全政策的基础上。”
- Once again, the Japanese ruling and opposition parties were diametrically opposed and had widespread comments on the national security policy issue. 继波斯湾危机以来,日本朝野政党,再度对其安全保障政策,针锋相对,议论纷纷。
- The focus on Clinton's bosom rather than her national security policy drew an explosion of "thousands of angry letters and calls" from readers, mostly women, the newspaper's ombudsman later wrote. 之后,据《华盛顿邮报》的公评人报道,对于希拉里胸部而不是其国家安全政策的关注引起了读者--尤其是女性读者的声讨,“几千名读者写信或打电话来表示不满”。
- At George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Certificates are offered in crisis and disaster management, telecommunications and national security; they're offered through the school's Homeland Security Policy Institute. 华盛顿的乔治·华盛顿大学提供危机及灾难管理、电信和国家安全方面的培训证书;由该校的国土安全政策研究所颁发。
- Sino-American relationship. The forging of firm Sino-American ties. National security policies. 中美关系。建立牢固的中美关系。国家安全政策。
- Given the new international situation,the importance of arms control and disarmament has become ever more apparent to the international community,both as a component of national security policies and as an effective measure to reduce the danger of war. 在新的国际形势下,军控与裁军作为国家安全政策的组成部分和减少战争危险的有效措施之一,日益受到国际社会的重视。
- The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. 我们的外交政策和国家安全都已面临考验。
- This constitutes a threat to national security. 这对国家安全是不祥之兆。
- Do not change the security policy in your computer. 不要更改计算机中的安全策略。。
- Choose a pre-defined Security Policy. 选择一个预先定义的安全政策。
- The National Security Strategy of the US. 美国国家安全报告。
- The kind of national security is. 那样的国家安全。
- Opponents raised national security concerns. 反对者提出国家安全的关注。
- These matters are vital to the national security. 这些事情对国家安全至关重要。
- Detection is an integral part to national security. 检波是国家安全的重要组成部分。
- He was considered a threat to national security. 他被看作是危害国家安全的人。
- A firewall will ensure that all communications conform to your security policy. 防火墙将确保所有的通信符合安全政策。
- Describes how to undo the last change to security policy. 描述如何撤消上次对安全策略的更改。