- To request WIPO to assist Member States in setting-up national strategies in the field of intellectual property. 请WIPO协助成员国制定国家知识产权战略。
- The creation of appropriate national strategies encourages the systematic, business-like use of intellectual property in the market place. 制定适当的国家战略会鼓励市场系统地、有效率地使用知识产权。
- It added that WIPO supported them in the development of their national strategies by channeling resources towards areas that they had made requests. 该代表团也说,WIPO根据他们的请求把资源拨到相关领域,支持了他们制定国家战略。
- I will charge PCAST with advising me about national strategies to nurture and sustain a culture of scientific innovation. 我将主管该委员会,以便让它向我提供各种保护和维持科技创新文化的策略。
- The guidance that WIPO could provide to Member States and, in particular, to El Salvador, was nevertheless a great support for concluding national strategies in the area of IP. 但是,WIPO向各成员国,特别是向萨尔瓦多提供的指导仍然大大有助于制定知识产权领域中的国家战略。
- Conceive a national strategy and prepare appropriate legislation. 拟议国家的反贪策略及筹备相关的立法工作。
- On paper, there is an explicit national strategy to acquire oil assets. 名义上,获取石油资产是中国一项明确的国家战略。
- China is committed to opening its door and encouraging foreign investment as a basic long- term national strategy. 中国保证把开放和引进外资作为一项长期的基本国策。
- African Group had not yet established their national strategy in the field of IPRs. 非洲集团的许多国家尚未确立其。
- General classics impute the deterioration to national strategy divergence, national interest divergence and ideological divergence. 一般论著将中苏两国战略分歧、国家利益的分歧以及意识形态分歧归为主要原因。
- More is these economic potentiality formidable country, its national strategy more is defined, more is steadfast. 越是那些经济实力强大的国家,它的国家战略就越是明晰,越是坚定不移。
- Not only such, oil still interweaves together cheek by jowl with politics of national strategy, whole world. 不仅如此,石油还与国家战略、全球政治紧密交织在一起。
- To achieve these ends,the United States has developed a national strategy that combines political,economic and mili tary elements. 为了达到这些目标,美国制定了一个综合政治、经济和军事诸因素在一起的国家战略。
- Ensuring every country affected by HIV has one national strategy, one national AIDS commission, and one way to monitor and report progress. 确保每个受艾滋病影响的国家制定国家艾滋病战略,成立国家艾滋病防治委员会,并形成监督报告体制。
- The success of these measures is currently been used to develop a national strategy for decentralised input supply to producer organisations. 目前,这些措施的成功经验正用于制定一项国家战略,用于向生产者组织进行分散的投入供给。
- A conservation strategy for the Far Eastern leopard was developed by WWF in 1997 and approved as the National Strategy in 1998. 世界自然基金会于1997年为远东豹制定一套保育策略,在1998年获得认可为国家策略。
- To establish an interagency aerospace revitalization task force to develop a national strategy for aerospace workforce recruitment, training, and cultivation. 420建立跨部门航空人力复原工作小组以发展航空人力补充及培训之国家策略。
- To achieve these ends, the United States has developed a national strategy that combines political, economic and mili tary elements. 为了达到这些目标,美国制定了一个综合政治、经济和军事诸因素在一起的国家战略。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。
- In a statement, the office said the report's call for a broader national strategy was “a worthy goal” that the initiative was already pursuing. 在一项声明中,办事处称,报告所要求的更广泛全面的国家战略是一个该计划一直在追求的“有价值的目标”。