- The project conforms to national industrial policies and has a broad market prospect. 该项目符合国家产业政策,市场前景十分广阔。
- This provision applies to all the enterprises in line with national industrial policies, which registered in Wendeng during the period from August 1st , 2006 to December 31st ,2008. 第二条:本规定适用于2006年8月1日至2008年12月31日在我市投资新办的符合国家产业政策的工业企业。
- Just three decades earlier, IBM had quit India, which was in the grip of corporatist and nationalistic industrial policies. 而在30年之前,IBM还曾经放弃过印度,当时的印度被社团主义者和民族主义的产业政策牢牢地控制着。
- It will also adopt a punitive water price on high-water-consuming industries outlined in the restrictive and eliminative categories under the national industry policies. 并对国家产业政策中限制类、淘汰类的高耗水行业实行惩罚性水价。
- As a result of technical transformation and new construction under the direction of the national industrial policy,approximately 450 production lines are now operating in the defence industry at a certain economic scale producing civilian consumer goods. 国防科技工业部门在国家产业政策的引导下,通过技术改造和新建的方式,目前已拥有达到经济规模的民品生产线约450条。
- As a result of technical transformation and new construction under the direction of the national industrial policy, approximately 450 production lines are now operating in the defence industry at a certain economic scale producing civilian consumer goods. 国防科技工业部门在国家产业政策的引导下,通过技术改造和新建的方式,目前已拥有达到经济规模的民品生产线约450条。
- national industrial policies 国家产业政策
- Integrate the sports resources and make industrial policies. 整合体育资源,制定产业政策。
- Our industrial policy must become more focused. 加大产业政策的聚焦力度。
- And is industrial policy an issue? 产业政策会不会成为一个问题?
- He supports an overly strong industrial policy. 他支持过于强硬的工业政策。
- national industrial policy 国家产业政策
- To meet the national industry of printing signs and other products. 可满足全国各行业对标牌印刷等产品的需要。
- He set up the factory with the aim of vigorously developing national industry. 他抱着振兴民族工业的志向开办了这家工厂。
- Since 2000 the land development approval, the site focuses on new projects, reorganization of the national industrial policy, super-planning, super plan, ultra vires and the unbundling of land issues; 去年以来的土地审批情况,重点是新上项目的用地情况,整顿违反国家产业政策、超规划、超计划、越权和分拆批地等问题;
- We should formulate well-defined industrial policies to guide our orientation in foreign investment. 我们要制定明确的产业政策引导投资投向。
- The National Industrial Recovery Act became law. (It was later struck down by the Supreme Court. 年,全国工业复兴法成为法律。(不久之后就被最高法院废除了。
- Nor is it a green light for hamfisted industrial policy. 它也并非为粗暴的产业政策开了绿灯。
- On industrial policy, he is an unapologetic interventionist. 在工业政策上,他是一个无可辩驳的干涉主义者。
- Lula's instinctive response to this dilemma is industrial policy. 卢拉对这个困境本能的反应是产业政策。