- national government employee 国家公务员; 政府工作人员
- Later he became a government employee. 后来他成了一名公务员/政府雇员。
- Government employees swear an oath not to reveal official secrets. 政府雇员宣誓不泄露官方机密。
- She gave up her job as a government employee and started her own business. 她砸了自己的饭碗,干起了个体经商买卖。
- The city of Westminster is the seat of the national government. 威斯敏斯特城是国家政府的所在地。
- There are many low-grade officials and government employee in IOE who are responsible for details. 审官院还有许多胥吏属官,这些人承担着审官院的具体工作。
- A federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government. 一个联邦地区是指作为国家政府的一个席位而设定的区域。
- That will lead to some miffed national governments. 但这会惹恼某些国家的政府。
- Chongqing was once the provisional capital of the National Government. 重庆曾是国民政府的行都。
- A government employee says her father has run down his timber business, laying off workers, rather than pay the $600 a month demanded by La Familia. 一个政府官员说,他父亲宁愿关闭木材生意,辞掉工人,也不愿每个月付给“米却肯家族”要求的600美元。
- A government employee may moonlight as an Information Warrior,or a teenager may live in Cyberspace twenty hours a day, alighting on16 Earth only for Coke and pizza. 一名政府雇员可能在夜里从事第二职业,充当一名信息斗士;一个少年可能每天在网络空间里待20小时,可口可乐与比萨饼是他与地球的惟一联系。
- What is the name of the national governing body in track and field? 田径的全国管理机构的名称是什么?
- After protracted consideration the national government had decided to ask a mandate from the people. 国家政府经过长期考虑后,决定征求民意。
- Government employees may be screened by the security services. 政府雇员可能要接受安全部门的审查。
- Question: Has not the National Government announced that the national assembly has been called off? 问:国民政府不是宣布了停止国民大会的召集吗?
- Government employees swear an oathnot to reveal official secrets. 政府雇员宣誓不泄露官方机密。
- The largest group of government employees is made up by teachers. 政府工作人员最为庞大的群体就是教师。
- Government employees should not reveal official secrets. 政府雇员不得泄露官方机密。
- Structurally,the American national government has three branches: Legislative,Executive,and Judicial. 在结构上,美国的国家政府分成三个分支:立法、行政、司法。
- Beijing is the seat of the national government of the People's Republic of China. 北京是中华人民共和国政府所在地。