- national emergency powers 国家紧急权力
- National Emergency Power 国家紧急权
- Congress voted the president emergency powers. 国会通过授与总统紧急命令权。
- Tandja has responded by assuming sweeping emergency powers. 坦贾说他将使用紧急权利。
- Mr.Tandja has responded by assuming sweeping emergency powers. 坦贾通过准备备用力量对此进行回应。
- Present developments are but the opening phase of a national emergency. 目前的发展,不过是全国性突然事变的开端而已。
- Have the emergency power supply system and lighting facility; k. 有应急供电系统和应急照明设施;
- The government has been granted emergency powers(= to deal with an emergency). 政府已被授予应急权力。
- Primary applications include fans, flywheels and emergency power installations. 主要用途包括风机、飞轮和应急供电装置等。
- This requirement may be waived by a Member in the case of a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency or in cases of public non-commercial use. 一旦某成员进入国家紧急状态,或在其他特别紧急情况下,或在公共的非商业性场合,则可以不受上述要求约束。
- President Ren inspected the application of emergency power in Leader workshop. 任总在利达总部车间考察应急电源的技术应用情况。
- As for the proclamation of national emergency, this encountered a number of objections. 至于宣布国家处于紧急状态,这更遭到不少人的反对。
- As for the proclamation of national emergency , this encountered a number of objections. 至于宣布国家处于紧急状态,这更遭到不少人的反对。
- The bill giving emergency powers to the military government was railroaded through. 紧急情况下的权力赋予军政府的议案被强行通过。
- Of course, when the national emergency abates, much of China will revert to its familiar ways. 当然了,随着全国紧急状态消除,中国的很多方面将回到老路。
- On the other hand, if a national emergency happens on Taiwan, Okinawa will be involved into soon. 另一方面,一旦台湾有事,冲绳也会马上被卷入其中。
- He took his draft physical and, like Strobe, was declared 1-Y, draftable only in a national emergency. 他进行了征兵体检,结果他和斯特罗布一样被宣布为1-Y类,即只有在国家面临危机时才会征召他。
- The bill giving emergency powers to the military government was railroaded through with little respect for established parliamentary niceties. 授予军政府以应付紧急事变的权力的法案是在几乎不顾议会正常的法规细节的情况下强行通过的。
- Coby Vinsburg of Israel's National Emergency Management Authority says the Middle East is a bad neighborhood that is becoming more dangerous. 以色列国家紧急应变管理局的温斯伯格说,中东是一个糟糕的地方,变得越来越危险。
- The dimens i on of the special emergency power supply for Fire emergency luminaries. 消防应急灯具专用应急电源的外形尺寸。