- nasooral leishmaniasis 口鼻粘膜利什曼病
- From 1984 to 2005, a total of 836 leishmaniasis cases were reported. 2005年全省共报告黑热病836例,每年均有发病。
- Dengue, filariasis, leishmaniasis, onchocerciasis, and American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease) are other diseases carried by insects. 登革热病、丝虫病、黑热病、盘尾丝虫病及美洲锥虫病(查格斯病)也是由昆虫传播的疾病。
- Protozoa are responsible for diseases such as malaria, amebic dysentery, giardia, leishmaniasis, and trypanosomiasis. 原生动物是类似疟疾、阿米巴痢疾、贾第虫症、黑热病和锥虫病的罪魁祸首。
- This article reviews the development on drug treatment for Visceral leishmaniasis. 本文就内脏利什曼病药物治疗研究进展作扼要综述。
- Desjeux P.Information on the epidemiology and control of the leishmaniasis by country or territory.WHO/LEISH/91.30. 王捷;管立人;刘丕宗.;歌乐山司蛉生态习性的记述
- Leishmaniasis is spread by the sandfly, and in the dog as well as human has both cutaneous and visceral forms. 利什曼病是由白蛉传播的人犬共患病,疾病影响皮肤和内脏。
- In 2002 the Gates Foundation agreed to provide $4.7 million, most of it for a Phase III leishmaniasis trial. 2002年,盖兹基金会同意提供470万美元,大部份将用在利什曼病药物的第三期临床试验上。
- He said two of them are suffering from a skin disease known as leishmaniasis, which they contracted during captivity. 他说,其中两人在关押期间感染了一种叫“利什曼病”的皮肤病。
- The World Health Organization launched an emergency campaign against leishmaniasis. 世界卫生组织发动一次针对“利什曼病”的紧急活动。
- Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is prevalent in more than 80 countries in Asia, Africa (Leishmania donovani), southern Europe (L. infantum) and southern America (L. chagasi). 摘要内脏利什曼病在亚洲、非洲、南欧、南美洲80多个国家广泛流行。
- Scientists have shown how flesh-eating parasites responsible for the disfiguring tropical disease leishmaniasis dupe the immune system. 科学家展示了可以导致热带地区疾病黑热病的食肉寄生虫如何骗过免疫系统。
- Most visceral leishmaniasis cases are concentrated in poor populations in just a few countries: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan and Brazil. 大多数内脏型利什曼病例都集中在少数几个国家的贫民区:印度、孟加拉、尼泊尔、苏丹和巴西。
- Data of visceral leishmaniasis cases since 2005 were collected through the National Infectious Disease Monitoring System. 收集四川和甘肃两省2005年以来内脏利什曼病报告病例数并进行分析。
- Leishmaniasis is an infection caused by any of the flagellate protozoans of the genus Leishmania,transmitted to human beings and animals by bloodsucking sand flies. 利什曼病是一种传染性疾病。它是由利什曼虫属中任何一种带有鞭毛的原生动物引起,通过吸血的白蛉传染到人体或动物身上。
- Pentavalent antimonials (Sbv) meglumine antimoniate and sodium stibogluconate (SSG) have been the main first line drug for the treatment of all forms of leishmaniasis since 1940. 甲基葡胺五价锑剂和葡萄糖酸锑钠作为治疗各类利什曼病的一线药物,至今已有60多年的历史。
- Objective] By sequencing of SSU rRNA gene cloning from Xinjiang cutaneous leishmaniasis pathogen (XJCLP) to provide evidence for identification of the pathogen. [目的 ]分析新疆皮肤利什曼病病原体SSUrRNA基因序列 ,为该病原体种株鉴定分析提供实验依据。
- Objective To investigate the epidemiological status of visceral leishmaniasis in Hamangou coal mine area of Korla City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 目的 调查新疆库尔勒市塔什店镇哈满沟煤矿内脏利什曼病的流行现况。
- Objective To investigate the epidemiological status of visceral leishmaniasis in Minfeng county, a newly identified endemic area in south Xinjiang, China. 目的 对新疆民丰县一个新发现的内脏利什曼病(黑热病)流行区进行现场流行病学调查。
- Even to a physician like U.S. Army Capt.D.J. Doyle, the list of diseases in Afghanistan is frightening: typhoid fever, dengue fever, polio, cholera, leishmaniasis, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. 伤寒