- narrow concept of fire risk 狭义火灾风险
- Brannigan, V., and Meeks, C.,“Computerized Fire Risk Assessment Models”, Journal of Fire Sciences, No.3 1995. 赵敏学,吴立志,商靠定,刘义祥,韩冬.;石化企业的消防安全评价,安全与环境学报,第3期,2003年
- This paper made a primary fire risk assessment for the five-storey building in the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science. 本文利用火灾危险性评估的原理,对火灾科学国家重点实验室的五层模型楼进行了初步的火险评估。
- For W. V. O. Quine, however, this constitutes an overly “narrow” conception of empiricism. 然而,对W.;V
- narrow concept of criminal policy 狭义刑事政策
- That warehouse full of paper is a fire risk. 那间堆满纸的仓库有火灾危险。
- The rise of non-state actors, often based on intolerance, and narrow conceptions of identity, is a threat to all civilized nations. 非国家实体的出现通常是建立在不宽容和对身份的狭隘认识基础之上的,这对所有的文明国家来说都是一个威胁。
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- Through expatiating fire characteristic of high-rise buildings and important significance of safe evaluation of people in fire fighting, the methodology of fire risk analysis is reviewed. 笔者阐述高层建筑的火灾特点,以及人员安全疏散的安全评价在消防中的重要作用;
- Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk. 使用这些化学品可能有失火的危险。
- Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?
- Press this button in case of fire. 遇火灾时按下此钮。
- His speech was full of fire and fury. 他的讲话充满愤懑之情。
- The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire. 报警器正发出火警警报。
- The boy is full of fire and courage. 这男孩充满激情和勇气。
- There are plenty of fire hoses in the building. 这幢建筑物中有许多消防软管。
- It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space. 掌握无限空间的概念是很难的。
- Do you know horses are afraid of fire? 你知道马怕火吗?
- We are always mindful of the danger of fire. 我们时刻都很注意火灾的危险。
- Guide for the Evaluation of Fire Risk Assessments 消防险情评估指南