- The Third aspect deals with the origin of Jameson's literary narrative theory. 这一部分对这三个特点作了具体的分析。六、詹姆逊文学叙事理论的不足及启示。
- The thesis researched the character of figure setting and descriptive style of legionary teleplay by using narrative theory which based on scenario. 本文运用叙事学方法,从文本角度出发,重点研究了军旅剧在人物设置与叙事模式上的特点。
- In this hypothesis, a narrative theory would be indissociable from any theory of practices, for it would be its precondition as well as its production. 似是而非的西洋景与本土厚重的历史文化传统搭不上界,反而把有限的可利用空间挤压了,也不能使原居住者受益。
- To construct narrative theory, it is neccessay to solve three problems, namely, the subjectivity of the auhor, the motive of narrative and the shaping of image. 建构具有实践意义的叙事学理论,需要解决三个问题,即作者主体性、叙事动机以及人物形象塑造。
- On the psychological basis of cognitive therapy theory,identity theory,and narrative theory,bibliotherapy goes through at least three stages: identification,catharsis,insight. 阅读治疗以认知治疗理论、认同理论和叙事理论为其心理学基础。阅读治疗至少经历认同、宣泄、领悟三个阶段。
- Secondly, it is he who comprehensively and scientifically tidied up and summed up the classical narrative theory which considered plot as the first element. 第二,把以情节作为第一要素的古典叙事理论进行了全面而科学的论证和归纳。
- The third part begins with the general introduction to the literary theory used in the analysis-Gerard Genette"s, Rimmon-Kenan"s and Stanzel"s narrative theory. 第三部分介绍本文中运用的叙述学理论。
- The narrative theory in the western literature and art theory has experienced renaissances three times, namely historical-positivism , aestheticism and the western structuralism narratology. 西方现代的文艺理论中有关叙述的理论,经历了三次复兴,即历史一实证主义、审美主义和结构主义叙述学。
- With multiform perspective, movable insight and wide-field eyesight.Jane"s Phelan"s rhetorical narrative theory becomes an important part of the post-classical narrative theories. 费伦的修辞性叙事理论模式以其多维的观察角度,动态的眼光和开阔的视野构成了西方后经典叙事理论的一个重要组成部分。
- the constructability of narrative theory 叙述理论的的建构性
- Subject Narrative Theory and Oral Interpretation Teaching 主述位理论与口译教学
- She took up the narrative where John had left off. 她接着讲约翰未讲完的故事。
- Narrative makes up most of the book. 这本书的大部分篇幅都是叙述性的。
- He tried in every way to verify this theory. 他想一切办法来验证这个理论。
- The novel contains more narrative than dialogue. 这部小说里的叙述比对话多。
- I entirely approve of that theory. 我完全赞成那种理论。
- The writer had great skill in narrative. 这位作家极擅长叙述。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。
- Several incidents have been welded into an interesting narrative. 几个情节曲被融合成一个有趣的故事。