- narcissistic libido 自恋欲力
- In the modern vocabulary, it was narcissistic. 用时髦话说,这是一种自我陶醉狂。
- It is essential to your libido and sexual arousal. 这对维持你的性欲和性唤起至关重要。
- We love in vain narcissistic so shallow. 我们的所爱是如此的徒然无用,其实是自我陶醉和如此的浅薄!
- And what, to the libido, is resistance? 那么对于性欲来说什么算是挑战?
- A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido. 黑白混血儿;白化病者;蚊子;我的性欲.;吔!
- Feng Tang is not gay. He is just narcissistic. 除非蚕是冯唐的太太的闺蜜,这个。。。
- In this sense, the antonym of libido is destrudo. 在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。
- Individuals with high self-esteem need not be narcissistic. 自尊程度高的人不一定会自恋。
- Libido is an expression taken from the theory of the emotions. 力比多是从情绪理论中借用来的一个语词。
- Bodybuilding at that level is pure narcissistic behavior. 健美运动在这一水平是纯粹的自恋行为。
- My obese odalisque was a drill instructor to my libido. 我那肥硕的女奴是直达我性欲的钻头。
- Narcissistic, smothering, she was “endlessly critical” of him. 她对他“无休止地挑剔”,既自恋又令人压抑。
- Women have become so demanding now, and so narcissistic. 现在似乎女人越来越完美(内在);男人越来越自私.
- In psychoanalysis, cathexis is the libido's charge of energy. 在精神分析学中,性欲发泄是性冲动的一种释放。
- Performing a narcissistic solo dance among the dark blue words. 在幽蓝的文字里一个人上演一出孤芳自赏的独舞剧。
- There are some really nasty, selfish, narcissistic women bosses. 有些女上司确实是令人厌恶、自私又自大的。
- However, morning sickness and fatigue can put a damper on anyone's libido. 虽然,在怀孕的不同阶段,关于怀孕期间安全的性爱的许多问题和忧虑都会被涉及到。
- Sexual dreams: These could simply be pleasant dreams: your libido is talking! 性梦:这些可能仅仅是令人愉快的梦:你正行事性本能!
- This is our Nielaoshi, a dwarf has also grown narcissistic teachers. 这就是我们的倪老师,一个长得又矮又自恋的老师。