- Using nitrates and etylene diamine tetra acetic acid(EDTA) as raw materials, Nano size La 0.8 Sr 0.2 FeO 3 powder was synthesized by EDTA complexing Sol Gel method at lower temperature. 以金属硝酸盐和乙二胺四乙酸 (EDTA)为原料 ;用EDTA络合溶胶 凝胶法合成了La0 .;8Sr0
- PTFE matrix composites were fabricated using mixing nano sized powder process and vaporizing impregnant process. 采用溶剂蒸发法和固体纳米粉末混合法制备两种工艺制备了PTFE复合材料。
- There are mainly two methods to prepare nano sized titania, uch as vapor phase process and liquid phase process. 纳米钛白的制备方法大致可分为两类,即气相法和液相法,而液相法是研究的重点和热点。
- The results show that the hardness of composites fabricated with vaporizing impregnant process is much higher than that fabricated with mixing nano sized powder process. 结果表明在填料含量相同时,溶剂蒸发法制备的PTFE复合材料的硬度显著高于固体纳米粉末混合法制备的PTFE复合材料的硬度;
- The type,reaction mechanism and application of nano sized semiconductor photocatalyst are reviewed.The improvement of photocatalyst is also discussed in brief. 对半导体光催化剂的类型、作用机理、应用及其性能改进作了综合评述。
- Compared with pure PTT, the thermal stability, crystallization and tensile performance of the PTT/MMT composites are improved due to the introduction of nano sized DK2 MMT. 与纯PTT相比,由于MMT在PTT基体中达到纳米尺寸分散,PTT/MMT复合材料的热稳定性能、结晶性能和拉伸性能都得到了明显提高。
- Are necessary absorbing materials available for dealing with accidental escape of oil? 双方是否备妥了必要的吸附材料,以应付以外跑油事故?
- Ferrite,a typical kind of magnetic absorbing materials,is one of the most important EMW absorbing materials. 铁氧体是目前应用最广泛的一类吸波材料,具有典型的电磁波磁损耗机理。
- Nature of the electromagnetic wave (EMW) absorbing materials is the energy conversion. 吸波材料本质上是一种能量转换材料。
- The theory, application and development of FSS in the radar absorbing materials are described in this paper. 摘要研究了频率选择表面(FSS)在雷达吸波材料中的应用,阐述了其原理和研究现状。
- Conjugated Schiff bases have a potential possibility in producing microwave absorbing materials because of its adjustable electrical conductivity. 共轭聚席夫碱因导电且电导率可调而具有制备吸波材料的潜在可能性。
- It can also be used as the guide magnetic microball or microwave absorbing materials for the chemotherapy and thermotherapy to tumour or cancer. 也被应用作磁性药物微球和磁性吸波剂,用于肿瘤化疗和热疗的靶向药物。
- nano sized Y-type oxytitanium phthalocyanine 纳米酞菁氧钛
- A new type of sound absorbing materials mainly made from low alkaline cement and expanding pearlite has been investigated on the basis of sound absorption principle. 摘要以低?A水泥和膨胀珍珠岩为主要原料,辅之以分散性良好的增强剂聚丙烯纤维,研制出一种新型吸声材料。
- Finally, the possibility of conjugated poly-Schiff bases as a candidate of microwave absorbing materials was analyzed and the development prospect was previewed. 最后评估了其作为吸波材料的可能性并展望了发展前景。
- Without adequate markets to absorb materials collected for recycling,throwaways actually depress prices for used materials. 缺少适当市场吸收回收的物品,丢弃物实际上压低了回收物的价格。
- The black liquids, suspensions, molten salts and their intermixtures are the main solar radiation absorbing materials for direct absorption type solar energy collection systems. 用于直接吸收式太阳能集热系统的集热介质主要有黑色液体、气-固或液-固悬浮体系、熔盐及其三者的相互混合物。
- To soak up or dry with absorbent material. 吸收,吸掉用可吸收物质吸干或吸掉
- This is like smoked glass and other highly absorbent materials. 这就如同烟色玻璃或者其它强吸收特性的材质。
- Absorbing materials combined with shims are used for filling the absorbing chamber, it makes the structure of the system more sample, the manufacture and repairing cost cheaper. 摘要减震器采用减震材料加垫片形式作为减震腔填充结构,简化了系统结构,降低了制造、维修成本。