- New Productive Technology of Nano Powder Material 纳米粉体材料生产新技术
- Based on all the above, feasibility of developing coated metallic nano powder materials by SLS was analyzed; at last an idea of prototyping metallic parts with coated metallic nano powder materials by SLS was put forward. 在此基础上,分析了研究开发选择性激光烧结覆膜金属纳米粉末材料的可行性,并提出一种选择性激光烧结覆膜金属纳米粉末材料成型金属件的思路。
- Based on all the above, feasibility of developing coated metallic nano powder materials by SLS was analyzed;at last an idea of prototyping metallic parts with coated metallic nano powder materials... 在此基础上,分析了研究开发选择性激光烧结覆膜金属纳米粉末材料的可行性,并提出一种选择性激光烧结覆膜金属纳米粉末材料成型金属件的思路。
- Choose and evaluate powder material for the product. 为产品选择和评估原料粉末。
- Clear AFM images were(obtained) from PbZr_(0.90)Ti_(0.10)O_3-Fe_(0.003) nano powder sample prepared by DDS method. 采用DDS法制备PbZr0.;90Ti0
- The chemically synthesized compound powder and the nano powder obtained by high-energy ball milling are two development trends of ZnO varistor c. 对粉体的制备方法和应用前景进行了展望,指出化学法合成复合粉体和高能球磨法制备纳米粉体是氧化锌压敏陶瓷粉体的两个主要发展趋势。
- The results indicate that the species and using level of dispersing agent were important factors to the particle size and distribution of the nano powder. 结果表明,分散剂的种类和用量是影响纳米氧化镁颗粒大小和均匀度的重要因素。
- It is suitable for all kinds of chemical powder material: fertilizer, potassic-fertilizer, urea, chemical raw material and additive etc. 各种化工原料,化工成品,化肥,例如:氯化氨,尿素,氮肥,钾肥,磷肥,硼砂,硫酸同,硫酸镁,硫酸钡。
- In this paper, the reactive atmosphere process(RAP)is used to purify Nd~(3+):YAG mixed powder material. 本文介绍反应气氛法用于提纯Nd~(3+):YAG混合粉料。
- Zhejiang Jiashan Dechang Powdered Material Co., Ltd. 浙江嘉善德昌粉体材料有限公司。
- It mainly analyses the technique design of micro-photography in powder material and its key factors. 主要对粉末材料显微摄影的技术设计、关键因素进行了分析。
- The micro or nano powder,or micro and nano powders were mixed into base oil,machinery oil 68,and confected into five kinds of running-in oils. 将微米和纳米固体粉末单独或混合加入到68%23机械油中,配制了5种微米、纳米或微纳米混合磨合油,并试验研究了5种磨合油分别应用于钢质粗糙软齿轮副间的磨合磨损行为和作用机制。
- Electromagnetic forming is applied to the powder material compaction,and Cu powder is compacted with solenoid coil. 将电磁成形技术用于粉末材料致密,利用螺线管线圈对铜粉进行了致密试验。
- This production line is used in pelletizing of powder material or blended with pigment for PP、PE、TPR material. 该设备适用于生产高品质的混色及粉料造粒。
- Bismuth oxide is a advanced functional powder material, having wide application perspectives. 氧化铋是一种先进的功能粉体材料,应用前景广阔。
- Good quality barium bismuth titanate (BaBi 4Ti 4O 15 ) ceramics is fabricated successfully with BaBi 4Ti 4O 15 nano powders prepared by Sol-Gel process. 采用溶胶 凝胶工艺成功制备出BaBi4 Ti4 O1 5微细粉料 ;并利用此微粉烧结出成瓷良好的BaBi4 Ti4 O1 5陶瓷 .
- Pneumatic negative pressure suction machine is only suitable for powder material. 气力式负压抽吸机只适合粉状散装物料的卸船。
- Ceramic elements are made by pressing and sintering finely powdered material s. 陶瓷元件是将仔细研磨的材料经过加压和烧结制成。
- This equipment includes paste machine, pre-mix boiler, gluewater boiler, powder material hopper, colloid pump and operation platform. 全套设备配有制膏机、混锅、水锅、料斗、体泵、作平台。