- nalysis and determination 分析检测
- He showed great courage and determination. 他表现得十分勇敢和果断。
- He worked with renewed vigour and determination. 他以新的活力和决心工作着。
- He had courage, insight and determination. 他有勇气、有见识、有魄力。
- You have the stamina and determination to succeed. 有毅力和决心获得成功。
- It was perseverance and determination. 是毅力和决心使他们获得了成功。
- Montoya proved his ability and determination. 蒙托亚证明了自己的实力以及决心。
- Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. 只有坚持与决心是无敌的。
- Her stubbornness led to tenacity and determination. 她的固执使她成为坚韧和果断。
- Only can the willpower and determination. 只有毅力和决心是万能的。
- She won the spelling bee through hard work and determination. 因为艰苦的努力和坚定的决心,她赢得了拼字比赛的胜利。
- I've always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination. 我一直敬佩比尔的胆量和决心。
- The reader starts out,full of hope and determination. 读者开始阅读的时候,满怀希望和决心。
- Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination. 当时的报道证实了他的勇气和决心。
- Everyone admires her strength of character and determination. 每一个人都钦佩她坚强的性格和决心。
- He fought the illness with courage and determination. 他勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争。
- He started with nothing but raw talent and determination. 他起家时只有天生的才能和决心。
- Be flexible, resourceful and determined. 适应性强,足智多谋,坚决果断。
- She looked purposeful and determined. 她看来胸有成竹、意志坚定。
- The captain remained stolid and determined. 上尉坚定不移地站在那里。