- The language world vision(LWV) is the sum of naive concepts held by a certain speech community towards the outside world. 语言世界图景是某一语言社团对外部世界朴素的观念认识的总和。
- The LWV theory is the sum of naive concepts held by a certain speech-culture community towards the outside world, which is of great significance in dealing with human cognition. 语言世界图景理论起源于德国语言学家洪堡特提出的“语言世界观”理论,即每一种语言都有自己看待世界的独特方式。
- He is so naive as to believe such a lie. 他竟然幼稚得连这种谎言都相信。
- The politician made a naive decision. 这个政治家做了一个幼稚的决定。
- His viciousness is beyond our conception. 他的狠毒非我们所能想像。
- She's surely not so naive as to believe his story. 她肯定不会轻信他编造的故事。
- I have no conception of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。
- Peter was laughed at for his naive remarks. 彼得因为讲了一些幼稚的话而被嘲笑。
- I have no conception what it is like. 我完全不知道它是什麽样子。
- He's got a pretty strange conception of friendship. 他对友谊有一种非常独特的见解。
- The plan is very imaginative in conception. 这个计划在构思上很有想象力。
- Lacking experience or sophistication; naive. 稚嫩的; 无经验的,不老练的缺乏经验或老练的; 天真的
- Capable of preventing conception. 节育的能够防止怀孕的
- This drug can increase the chance of conception. 这种药物可以提高怀孕的机率。
- His conception of human nature is skewed. 他对人性的看法带有偏见。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。
- I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。
- The conception of the United Nations was in 1945. 联合国创始於一九四五年。
- Her charm resides in her naive attitude to life. 她的魅力在於她对人生天真烂漫的态度。
- Lacking sophistication or worldly experience; naive. 幼稚的,天真的不世故的,天真的