- His argument is logical and hard to fault. "他的论据逻辑严密,无懈可击。"
- Information about the crisis was sketchy and hard to get. 关于这次危机的消息所知甚少并且很难获得。
- This is hard to guess in advance. 这在事先很难猜测。
- The subject is immensely complex, and hard to simplify. 这个题目非常复杂,并且很难简化。
- His arguments were logical and hard to fault. 他的议论合乎逻辑而难于挑剔。
- Glue is evenly spread and hard to come off. 涂胶均匀,牢度好。
- The gate of love is hard to open and hard to close. 爱的大门难开也难关。
- It is very painful and hard to bear. 痛得难以忍受。
- They were untidy and hard to program. 它们无条理,难以操作。
- He is ungenerous and hard to get along with. 这种地方鱼龙混杂,你要特别小心。
- Precision is good and hard to abrade. 传动精度高,耐磨损。
- Here is a beautiful and hard to find gem. 这是一枚非常美丽而且稀有的宝石。
- The road is snaky and hard to walk through. 这条路弯弯曲曲的,真不好走。
- It's not hard to guess how excited he was to hear of the news. 不难猜测,他听到这个消息是多么的激动!
- Black is restrained,depressive and hard to ponder. 黑色是收敛的,沉郁的,难以琢磨的。
- Football make people hard to guess, it is full of un-forseeable. 3在足球的赛场上,每一位伟大的球员都有其独特的个人魅力.
- Kistler proliferation of different forms and in particular the Millennium Shi Huang Yang Doo-yeon an odd, mysterious and hard. 奇石林立,形态各异特别是与千年石黄杨林争奇斗妍,神秘莫测。
- It's not hard to guess what kind of passionate love letters he receives. 不难猜测他收到的情书是多么的火热。
- Well it’s hard to guess how its honoree might feel about cows chewing leisurely on his visage. 至少,这幅干草作品作为对爱因斯坦的献礼堪称独特。
- It's getting harder and harder to find a job as lifeguard......... 下....我有三个朋友一话做就有....